Arthur Berthelet


Ночной кошмар
Промоутер Фрэнки Кристофер обвинен в убийстве модели Викки Линн, для которой он был покровителем некоторое время назад. В полицейском участке происходит допрос обвиняемого, во время которого он рассказывает двум инспекторам Эдду Корнеллу и Джерри МакДоналду как несколько месяцев назад он, поспорив со своими приятелями, согласился сделать из простой официантки королеву эстрады. Для этого они выбрали Вики — общую знакомую официантку, девушку красивую и амбициозную. Эксперимент резко пошел в гору, девушка буквально захватила сердца зрителей и даже умудрилась заключить контракт с Голливудом, но внезапная смерть от руки неизвестного убийцы прервала ее жизнь. Полиция сразу заподозрила в этом преступлении Фрэнки, которого девушка не пожелала видеть рядом собой в Голливуде, и теперь парню предстоит доказать что он не совершал убийства, хотя все обстоятельства указывают на него…
Penny of Top Hill Trail
Penny arrives in the West by aeroplane. She is considered a suspicious character and thrown into jail. Kurt Walters, a ranch foreman and deputy sheriff, discovers that she is the same girl that his friend, Jo Gary, met in Chicago. Gary fell in love with her, but she confessed she was a thief. Since Penny claims she wants to reform, Walters releases her and sends her to live with Mrs. Kingdon. In spite of her teasing and taunts (or perhaps because of them), Walters finds himself falling in love with Penny.
Men Who Have Made Love to Me
The story of six affairs of the heart, drawn from controversial feminist author Mary MacLane's 1910 syndicated article(s) by the same name, later published in book form in 1917. None of MacLane's affairs - with "the bank clerk," "the prize-fighter," "the husband of another," and so on - last, and in each of them MacLane emerges dominant. Re-enactments of the love affairs are interspersed with MacLane addressing the camera (while smoking), and talking contemplatively with her maid on the meaning and prospects of love.
Beauty and the Rogue
Humanitarian Roberta induces her father to hire former convict, Bill, as his gardener. When she leaves on vacation, Bill steals her jewelry and eventually sells a brooch to her boyfriend, Richard, who unknowingly gives it to her as a present.
Young Mother Hubbard
Forced by the death of her mother to care for her three brothers and sisters, little Mona Fairfax is known to farmers of her district as Young Mother Hubbard. The children's step-father, heavily in debt and tired of the burden imposed by the little family, abandons his farm, leaving the children, penniless, to shift for themselves. The following day Daniel Banning, a wealthy "country gentleman" and owner of the Fairfax farm, calls to collect back rent. He finds Mona and her children panic-stricken over a note left by their step-father, telling of his decision to leave. Banning turns a deaf ear to Mona's pleas that she be allowed to remain on the farm with her wards. He notifies the Children's Welfare Society. Directors of the society go to the farm, load them into an automobile, and take them to the society's headquarters. At headquarters the chairman calls for volunteers to take the children into their homes.
Little Betty has a luxurious home, an army of servants and the costliest of toys. But she hasn't what a child wants most of all, other children to play with. The result is that she runs away and joins a group of children from the ghetto district on the beach. In play she exchanges clothing with a little boy. That evening Betty doesn't return home. Her maiden aunt, an over-zealous guardian, is frantic. She notifies the police. The same evening the father of the boy, who has lost his position and is facing starvation, decides to turn burglar. He steals into the home of Betty's father. The household is awakened and the intruder captured.
The Chaperon
Jim Ogden, secretly engaged to Madge Hemmingway, wealthy heiress, becomes sensitive over his lack of money and breaks the engagement. In a moment of pique she marries Count Van Tuyle. After six months she returns from Europe, minus her husband. Trying to forget her error, she goes to the country.
The Return of Eve
Believing that over-civilization was destroying the race, Eli Tapper, an eccentric millionaire, took two unrelated orphan children, a boy and a girl, and placed them in a wilderness, there in the care of an old tutor, David Winters, to grow up as a new Adam and Eve, and become path-breakers of a better race.
Second Assistant Director
Фильм «Нетерпимость» — один из этапных в развитии мирового киноискусства; — это сложная сюжетная конструкция из четырех перемежающихся новелл, показывавших четыре различные эпохи. В ленте, снятой с грандиозным постановочным размахом, был затронут широкий круг философских и моральных проблем. Нетерпимость трактована как зло, отравляющее жизнь во все времена и у всех народов. Обратившись к огромному историческому и мифологическому материалу, Гриффит использовал при его воплощении необычные для того времени кинематографические средства и приемы, определившие новаторское значение фильма.
Шерлок Холмс
Фильм «Джилетт», который долгое время считался потерянным с момента его первого выпуска, является жизненно важным недостающим звеном в истории Холмса на экране. К моменту создания фильма «Джилетт» был признан ведущим в мире интерпретатор Холмса на сцене. Он дал свое лицо и манеру детективу и вдохновил классика иллюстраций Фредерика Дорра Стила. В фильме верно сохраняются знаменитые постановочные пьесы - встреча Холмса с профессором Мориарти, его дерзкий побег из газовой камеры «Степни» и вынужденные силовые выводы - и иллюстрирует, как «Джилетт» переплел кусочки из историй Конан Дойля, начиная от «Скандала в Богемии» и заканчивая «Последней проблемой», до оригинальной, новаторской загадочной игры.
The Havoc
Richard Craig and Paul Hessert, who work in the same office, are great chums. Both are in love, however, with the stenographer.
The Misleading Lady
Helen Steele, who has theatrical aspirations, has been told by Sidney Parker that, owing to her lack of stage experience he cannot entertain her proposition of giving her the leading part in his new production, "The Siren." Believing that she can get Parker to consent if she is persuasive enough, Helen has her fiancé, Henry Tracey, invite the theatrical manager to the party to be given by John W. Cannell so that she may work upon him. At the affair Helen manages to obtain Parker's consent to give her a trial it she is successful in having Jack Craigen, a friend of Cannell, who has been living in Patagonia for a long time and who is a woman hater, propose to her.