После того как молодой парень по имени Зия свел счеты с реальностью, он попал в безумный загробный мир, уготованный самоубийцам. Это мир унизительной работы, грязных баров и старых музыкальных автоматов. Получив работу в пиццерии, Зия понимает, что его нынешняя жизнь не так уж отличается от жизни прежней… лишь немного хуже… Но всё меняется, когда он узнает, что девушка, которую он любил, тоже покончила жизнь самоубийством. И Зия отправляется в путешествие по загробному миру, чтобы найти любовь своей земной жизни.
Director of Photography
Several young "Russian mail order brides" are followed over a three year period as they meet, date, and, in some cases, marry the American men who found them through some of the 80 to 100 "Russian Mail Order Bride" agencies now available in the US and the former Soviet Union.
Several young "Russian mail order brides" are followed over a three year period as they meet, date, and, in some cases, marry the American men who found them through some of the 80 to 100 "Russian Mail Order Bride" agencies now available in the US and the former Soviet Union.
Director of Photography
Hands on a Hardbody: The Documentary is a 1997 film documenting an endurance competition that took place in Longview, Texas. The yearly competition pits twenty-four contestants against each other to see who can keep their hand on a pickup truck for the longest amount of time. Whoever endures the longest without leaning on the truck or squatting wins the truck.
Hands on a Hardbody: The Documentary is a 1997 film documenting an endurance competition that took place in Longview, Texas. The yearly competition pits twenty-four contestants against each other to see who can keep their hand on a pickup truck for the longest amount of time. Whoever endures the longest without leaning on the truck or squatting wins the truck.