The film follows warring political factions in 1970s Jamaica as they enlist the support of gangs to enforce their policies, and advance their political agenda. It is a fictionalized dramatization of real historical events, specifically, the Green Bay Massacre, where the government finally tracked down these gangs and had systematically wiped out.
Executive Producer
The film follows warring political factions in 1970s Jamaica as they enlist the support of gangs to enforce their policies, and advance their political agenda. It is a fictionalized dramatization of real historical events, specifically, the Green Bay Massacre, where the government finally tracked down these gangs and had systematically wiped out.
The film follows warring political factions in 1970s Jamaica as they enlist the support of gangs to enforce their policies, and advance their political agenda. It is a fictionalized dramatization of real historical events, specifically, the Green Bay Massacre, where the government finally tracked down these gangs and had systematically wiped out.
The film follows warring political factions in 1970s Jamaica as they enlist the support of gangs to enforce their policies, and advance their political agenda. It is a fictionalized dramatization of real historical events, specifically, the Green Bay Massacre, where the government finally tracked down these gangs and had systematically wiped out.
В небольшом английском городке Шеффилд закрывается сталелитейный завод, и шестеро старых друзей остаются без работы. Вроде бы ничего страшного, но другими профессиями они не владеют, да и с работой в городе туго. А в это время в Шеффилд приезжает труппа мужского стриптиза и имеет бешеный успех у местных дам. Тут-то в голову одного из друзей и приходит блестящая идея: а что если им самим организовать стриптиз-шоу, но с небольшим отличием — раздеваться полностью. Но есть небольшая проблема: тела бывших сталеваров далеки от совершенства, да и танцевать они толком не умеют.