Angelique Gruetzmacher


Дом Юлиев: Тайна Авроры Тигарден
Assistant Hairstylist
Аврора Тигарден - молодая и красивая библиотекарь со страстью к раскрытию убийств. После утомительных поисков "идеального дома" она, наконец, покупает дом своей мечты, не подозревая о его мрачной истории. Пока она готовилась к переезду, она узнала, что семья, проживавшая тут до нее, таинственным образом пропала без следа.
Anything for Love
Key Hair Stylist
Katherine, a high-powered executive who believes men are intimidated by her career, is persuaded by her friend to create an internet dating profile claiming she is an executive assistant.
Ice Sculpture Christmas
After starting her first job at a country club restaurant, Callie’s passions for cooking and ice sculpting are met with romance and Christmas spirit when a childhood friend enters her into the club’s annual Christmas ice sculpting competition without her knowledge.
Sorority Murder
Makeup Artist
Pretty and likable Jennifer arrives as a freshman at Whittendale University and is greeted by pledge-seeker Carly of the Beta Sigma Eta Sorority. Once warmly embraced by the sorority, Jennifer soon realizes trouble is lurking beneath the happy surface of the sorority and makes an enemy of the sorority president Breanne. When Breanne's body is found in her car, Jennifer finds herself considered to be the number one suspect on campus.
Garage Sale Mystery: The Wedding Dress
Makeup & Hair
Jennifer Shannon has made a career of finding rare garage sale treasures to resell at the consignment store she owns with her business partner, Dani. When she finds a wedding dress that was worn on the day a groom went missing, Jennifer uses her knack for solving puzzles to investigate this unsolved cold case. After meeting the dress’s original owner, Helen, and finding traces of blood on the dress, Jennifer digs deeper into the decades-old mystery with the help of Detective Lynwood, and the support of her husband, Jason. With every clue that Jennifer uncovers, she gets closer to either finding the long-missing groom, or uncovering a wedding day murder.