Gaston Séverin


Дневник сельского священника
Вера и человеколюбие молодого сельского священника подвергаются тяжелым испытаниям, когда он получает приход в маленьком городке. Местное общество не только не воспринимает его всерьез, но и строит против него козни. И только старый священник из другой деревни проявляет некоторый интерес…
Le diamant de cent sous
General Counsel
For fun and to dazzle his wife, the novelist Morgan steals a ring and gets rid of it in the costume jewelry section of a supermarket. Sophie buys the diamond, which forces the novelist to embark on crazy adventures to recover the jewel.
Don't Shout it from the Rooftops
L'avocat de Vincent
A scientist who have discovered how to turn salt water into petrol dies before he has revealed his formula. By mistake it's assumed that his assistant knows it although he does not.
La Croisée des chemins
A prestigious Paris doctor is tempted by a woman he knew in his youth, whose politician husband has neglected her.But will he in turn neglect his duties toward work and family?
Promise to the Unknown One
A young woman is in love with a young writer, winner of the Prix Goncourt. Married to a banker, she must face her husband's anger and the blackmail of a former suitor.
La Neige sur les pas
Abandoned by her husband Marc, Thérèse Romanay cheats on him with André Norans. When Romanay finds out, he drives her away. She runs away with her lover. But, during a mountain excursion, Norans is killed and Thérèse is herself seriously injured. But she recovers. The husband then forgives the unfaithful wife, and the couple reunites.
The Suitors Club
Le directeur de l'hôtel (uncredited)
As playboys cannot pay their debts anymore,their creditors suggest one of them marry a millionaire's daughter.
To inherit from his late uncle, Narcisse Pigeon is obliged to pass his pilot's license.
Golden Venus
La Venus D'Or (Golden Venus) was based on Business, a play by Pierre Sabatier. Mirielle Balin stars as Judith, the mistress of ruthless oil magnate Harfstrong (Jacques Copeau). What Harfstrong doesn't know is that Judith is a spy for his hated business rival. When he does find out, he cannot get rid of her because she knows too much about his own crooked dealings. After several more reels of mutual betrayal and recriminations, the story suddenly shifts to the "good" characters, clean-limned young pilot Andre (Daniel Lecourtois) and his sweetheart Michelle (Andree Giuze). Set up as a fall guy for the villains, Andre somehow emerges from the experience none the worse for wear.
The Marriages of Mademoiselle Levy
The tailors Moïse and Salomon Lévy decide to marry Mina, Salomon's daughter to a good match, to save themselves from the competition that Cohen makes for them. Mina will eventually succeed in marrying Pierre, from a marriage of love, without this harming the family business.
Dîner de gala aux Ambassadeurs
Three successive sketches: Sacha Guitry successively calls Pauline Carton, Gaston Severin and Paul Pauley by telephone, to invite them to the Ambassadors gala dinner.
Le méchant homme