Horace Brandt


Den Hårda Leken
Boxing Referee
Conny Persson is an up-and-coming boxer. He wins the Junior Championships and is able to write a contract with boxing manager Andy Ekström. He falls in love with Margit. She doesn't like that he is boxing, but together they open a flower shop. When Conny still won't give up boxing, Margit tells him that he has to chose between her and the boxing.
Den Hårda Leken
Boxing referee (uncredited)
Conny Persson is an up-and-coming boxer. He wins the Junior Championships and is able to write a contract with boxing manager Andy Ekström. He falls in love with Margit. She doesn't like that he is boxing, but together they open a flower shop. When Conny still won't give up boxing, Margit tells him that he has to chose between her and the boxing.