Sead Bejtović


Four Walls Sarajevo
Mizar is constantly moving and running in Sniper surrounded Sarajevo streets. On the other hand, Mizar father, Jamil is handicapped and his only connection to the world is his son Mizar. One day the door bell of the room they reside in rings.
The Ticker Collector
The violent clash encounter between a ticket collector and a drunk without a ticket, in the tram, turns into an unexpected possible friendship.
Orange Blanket
In all its beauty, youth can be so naive that we cannot discern the important things… Love is the most wonderful and the most destructive thing in the world, all at the same time…
Идеальный круг
История боснийского поэта Хамзы, который живет со своей семьей в Сараево во время Боснийской войны. Отправив жену и дочь в Хорватию, он вскоре встречает двух братьев-сирот, сбежавших от резни в их деревне. Они пришли в боснийскую столицу в поисках давно потерянной тети. Хамза решает помочь ребятам искать родных и выживать в условиях ужасов войны и полной блокады города. После долгих поисков Хамза узнает, что их тетка перебралась в Германию. Но переправить мальчиков туда неимоверно трудно, учитывая, насколько смертельно опасны любые выходы из осажденного Сараево.
After the release from prison, small-time criminal is marrying his girlfriend and lives a straight and poor, but happy life with her and her daughter. However, his happiness is shattered by wife's infidelity. Driven mad by jealousy, he kills her and her lover and runs into mountains, thus escaping law for months. This film is based on the true story about Junuz Kečo, last Bosnian outlaw.
The Man Who Could Tell North from the South
The plot takes place in pre-war Yugoslavia, and the protagonist, interpreted by Zvonko Lepetic, is Jefto, a prison guard who lives with his family as a tenant in a basement. The plot shows how, convinced that he is destined for great things, he betrays his family, a friend and subordinates everything to his vanity.
Extramarital Travels
Tugomir, a student, wants to write a dissertation on Love, but fails to complete it before being obligatory drafted in the army. There, he succumbs to paranoia that his girlfriend is cheating on him. He decides to cheat on her too.
The Overpass
A 1987 Serbo-Croatian language drama film directed by Faruk Piragić, starring Miodrag Radovanovic, Iva Marjanovic and Bogdanka Savić.
Heads or Tails
A village fella tries to make it big in the city.