Jim James


No More Love No More Death
The prequel to Taylor Wong's With or Without You finds Prince being raised as a trained assassin by his "father." Meanwhile, he falls in love with Tweedy, a singer who teaches him how to love.
Gangland Odyssey
A retired cop is summoned by his ex-boss to save his kidnapped son from the hands of a deadly Japanese triad. Action violence and a little romance makes GANGLAND ODYSSEY a promising treat!
Aces Go Places V: The Terracotta Hit
Two friends who own an investment firm turn to a policeman friend for help when they are framed for robbery by a gang of antiquities smugglers.
Brief Encounter
Lung (Tony Poon), a rookie bodyguard falls in love with the first subject he's overseeing, May (May Cheung). She has come to Hong Kong with false hopes of being a singer but she's unwillingly set to enter the world of prostitution instead. Into this equation comes a model agency head (Margaret Lee - We're Going To Eat You) who's determined to conquer the love of Lung. www.sogoodreviews.com
Драконы Навсегда
Секретный завод по производству наркотиков разрушает экологию маленького озера. Владелица озера, красавица Лао, возбуждает судебный процесс против наркомафии. Талантливый адвокат Джонни Лан, по приказу коррумпированных властей, должен отстаивать в суде интересы мафии. Адвокат с помощью друзей начинает тайное расследование деятельности мафии.
Black Society
Chan Wai-Man stars as a Triad boss trying to expand his empire, Wilson Tong plays the rival out to stop him.
The Criminals, Part 3: Arson
Denis Allen James
Part 1 : 'Gun Snatchers' - Two criminals wanted for murder are turned in by one of their own. Part 2: 'Arson' - A Triad revenge plan to burn down a nightclub goes wrong and results in the deaths of five people.