Simon Haycock


Латиноамериканка Айар, долгое время жившая в США, возвращается на родину, чтобы воссоединиться с дочерью. Но мать Айар не дает ей этого сделать. Тогда главной героине приходится признать ошибки прошлого и попрощаться с масками, которые она носила долгие годы.
Obsessed With the Babysitter
Adrian Cartwright
Elaine, an injured dancer, catches the eye of a deranged psychologist who believes her to be the perfect woman. Realizing he is manipulating her mind and using her injury against her; Elaine must escape with the children before she becomes another casualty in his psychotic study.
Вторжение: Планета Земля
Thomas Dunn
После смерти маленькой дочери Томас Данн, доктор из Англии, теряет веру. И в день, когда он узнаёт, что его жена беременна, начинается инопланетное вторжение.
Hyper Jump
The Pilot
If you're going to be taking part in one of history's iconic moments, you'd better prepare a speech.
Having left England for a romantic escapade in the South of France, Olivier and James invite Caroline along at the very last minute. The trio arrives in a little Provencal village, somewhat cut off from the world. Though everything seems calm between the pool, sunshine and a village visit, Olivier finds himself more and more intrigued by Caroline. A tension of sexual jealousy and possessiveness will then escalade between the three of them.
The Invaders
Martin Walters
A pregnant pioneer woman and her family meet a supernatural fate after breaking from their wagon train to California and ignoring a series of ominous dreams.