Freddie Annobil-Dodoo


Thorne : Scaredycat
Uniformed Copper
Two women have been murdered within hours of one another near St. Pancras station, but in quite different ways. When a connection is made with two other murders which occurred months before, but also on the same day, DI Thorne realizes two serial killers may be at work in a macabre partnership
Disappeared (She's gone)
Police Sergeant
Harry Sands is a self made man, happily married with two children. When he learns that his daughter has gone missing in Istanbul, he flies out to find her. To Harry's horror, he discovers from Olivia's best friend, that the two of them have been working as nightclub dancers and not as the charity workers like Harry was led to believe. So begins the hunt for his missing daughter and a journey that turns into a nightmare as Harry is forced to face his own prejudices and mounting paranoia....
Время по Гринвичу
Школьные друзья из Лондона создают группу под названием «Время по Гринвичу» и пытаются пробиться в индустрии музыки. Но оказывается, что путь к успеху очень непрост и не все из них способны выдержать испытание. И тот, кто сходит с дистанции, легко попадает в сети наркобизнеса — мир, где время может остановиться навсегда!
3 Steps to Heaven
A bereaved woman adopts multiple disguises to track down the last three people to see her boyfriend before he died.