Zhang Guoqing

Zhang Guoqing

Рождение : 1955-10-01, Shanghai, China


Zhang Guoqing


Special Forces King 3: Battle Tianjiao
Lou Ba
The story of the film is unique. It links the "female special forces" with the task of destroying the super-large "drug trafficking" gang, coupled with the thrilling action scenes, which makes it stand out among many military movies. The plot of the film is ups and downs and exciting. The background tells about the female soldiers joining the group of drug dealers, dancing with wolves, and gradually unearthing a huge drug production and drug trafficking gang... As soldiers, they have fulfilled their missions honorably and brilliantly given to them by the motherland and the people. The story conforms to the main theme of the times. It not only shows the excitement when performing the task, but also shows the tenacity of the pioneers of the times.
I Come From Beijing
Xu Laotou
A Kite Confused Whereabouts
Wei Zhongxian
At midnight, the head of the criminal department who was watching the night near Xinwang Mansion arrested Bai Moyu, and suddenly saw a thief carrying a box and escaping from the Wang Mansion. Bai Moyu fought with the thief. During the process, Bai Moyu cut off a handful of hair of the thief, the thief fled in a hurry, and lost a treasure jar. Bai Mozhen opened the letter to the gate of the Wangfu Palace to understand the situation, but was met with sarcasm by Huangfu, the general manager of the palace. The next day the Emperor suddenly stated that he would let the Lord Wang Xin bring the wooden kite to see him three days later. The King Xin went to the storeroom to find out that the wooden kite was lost. He urgently invited Bai Moyu and Yang Yuanzhun to come to the investigation. If they could not find it, a disaster would come.
The Point Man
Bai Chengzi
Shop Owner
When a son attempts to reconcile with his father, a series of fateful events allow him to experience the father’s life in the past.
Переправа 2
Old Guo
Герои фильма уже поднялись на борт злополучного корабля «Тайпин». Как и остальные пассажиры лайнера, они оказались на краю смерти. Всё смешалось в бурном потоке волн: радость и печаль, любовь и ненависть, жизнь и смерть. Кто сможет спастись и вырваться из круговорота трагических событий? А кто навсегда останется погребённым в холодных водах Тайваньского пролива?
Охота на монстра
Majong Player
Когда-то давно люди и демоны мирно сосуществовали, но затем человеческая жадность привела род демонов на грань исчезновения. Плодом страсти обычного парня Инь Тяня и таинственной незнакомки становится малыш, которому предначертано занять трон короля демонов. Теперь странноватой парочке придется защищать свое чадо от злых демонов и коварных людей. Главным их врагом становится жестокий и алчный Цянь Ху Гэ, стремящийся пленить будущего короля, чтобы обрести безмерную силу.
Old Guo
В центре повествования три пары, чьи судьбы драматически связаны с событиями, которые разворачиваются на фоне военных действий. Фильм основан на реальной трагедии потопления корабля «Тайпин», произошедшем в 1949 году и унесший жизни более 1500 пассажиров и экипажа.
The Adventures of Tin Liao
Tin Liao, who loves the adventures of Tin Tin, is sent to live with his aunt and uncle in the countryside. He suspects two visiting botanists are really thieves and together with a new friend, attempts to stop them from stealing a local legendary treasure.
Мое королевство
Plainclothes Policeman
19-е столетие подходит к концу. Принц-регент рушащейся династии Цин приказывает устроить массовую казнь целого клана Мэн. Перед обезглавливанием на заполненном людьми рынке Пекина, лидер клана Мэн клянётся, что его семья отомстит за эту пародию на правосудие. В ожидании смерти пятилетний мальчик Эркуй из клана Мэн храбро поёт арию. Сила и чистота его голоса растрогали зрителей, в том числе оперную звезду мастера Юй Шэнина и его семилетнего ученика Гуань Илуна. Растроганный мастер Юй спасает мальчика, и двое сирот, Илун и Эркуй, становятся названными братьями.
I'm Liu Yuejin
Security Armor
Red River Valley
At the turn of the century, a young Chinese girl escapes from a religious sacrifice, and is rescued by an honorable Tibetan herdsman. The two fall in love, but problems arise when she is ignorant of their time-honored traditions and runs into trouble with a glamorous and proud Tibetan princess. Meanwhile, a British expedition is planning to invade the sacred mountain. Facing the country's enemy, the three set aside their disputes and jealousy, and join the militia force to protect their homeland.
Sun Valley
The Avenger, a brooding swordsman armed with a blade marked "Slayer of 1000 Armies" claims he's waiting for a long-missing friend, at an outpost in Northwest China's Sun Valley. The Avenger suffers an intense fear of blood, from being the only survivor of his clan's massacre. The sight of blood propels him into a killing fury. Winter is setting in, so the local horse trader Black Bull, and most of the valley's men, prepare to drive a herd to market, leaving behind Black Bull's girlfriend, a feisty innkeeper.
Shanghai Fever
Pan Hung is Lily, a humble bus conductor hired by Hong Kong commodities trader Sean Lau to be his connection to the Shanghai stock market. Lily finds the job surprisingly easy, and the duo begins to make big money. But at what price? With wealth and prosperity a driving daily goal for Lily, will her own family come to bear the cost? Director Lee Lok See uses his Shanghai focus to great effect, finding many avenues and opportunities for his satirical observations and cultural clashes. With capitalism and communism going head on in the rapidly growing city of Shanghai, which value system will ultimately live in each person's heart?
Saga of Mulan
Captain Jin
A retelling of the legend of Hua Mulan, warrior woman of China, who disguised herself as a boy to serve in the army in her frail father's place.