Red Alert is a suspenseful action film about narcotics, based on the true story of a rural family in Yongtai, and shot on location in Fuzhou. The main character, Wang Li, drops out of the police academy and works as a delivery boy because of the shadow of his childhood. He finds out that his brother Sun Zhao and his girlfriend Bai Mei are involved in a case of poisoned milk tea, which is related to the death of his parents 19 years ago.
In the early days of the Republic of China, Sun Yicheng, a returned medical graduate student, came to Miwu Town to deliver epidemic prevention medical supplies to the local clinic. Unexpectedly, the quarantine area and town were successively attacked by monsters that day. In order to protect the survivors, Sun Yicheng and Dr. Zuo worked together to successfully kill the monster. And Dr. Zuo finally found a formula to treat the plague, proving that the plague is a disease, not a curse among the superstitious population.
Несколько лет назад немой шахтёр Чжан Баоминь повздорил с местными и с тех пор работает вдали от дома. Его жена болеет и почти не выходит из дома, а сын пасёт овец. Как-то раз мальчик не возвращается домой, и Баоминю приходится вернуться в город и заняться поисками пропавшего сына.