Pavel Tesař

Pavel Tesař

Рождение : 1967-07-05, Jablonec nad Nisou, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic]


Pavel Tesař
Pavel Tesař


S písní v tísni
Thirty-something Jonas is not doing well at the moment. He has been taking antibiotics for a long time, so he is out of shape, and the trainer does not nominate him for the upcoming boxing match, he had a fight with a homosexual customer at work and is facing criminal charges because of that, and he also got a little involved with his colleague Silva, which logically does not please Jonas's friend Klařá. But Jonas hides the biggest problem by far from everyone. Although the suspicion of rectal cancer is fortunately not confirmed, the method of treatment of the damaged colon nevertheless shocks him - he has to regularly insert a dilator into his ass!
Mt. Human
May the Lord Be With Us
Jaroslav Bořita z Martinic
The Defenestration of Prague, which took place on May 23, 1618, was the decisive historical moment that unleashed the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) between several Catholic and Protestant states and changed the course of European history forever.
Naši furianti
Josef Habršperk (švec)
André, Krysí smrť i další postavy
Телевизионный спектакль по мотивам книги Терри Пратчетта.
Crash Road
We meet Veronica shortly before her high-school graduation exams. She lives with her mother, an alcoholic, and her mother's partner. One day when he is drunk, he chases Veronica to the roof of a house and falls off, killing himself. He was in debt as he was addicted to gambling. His creditor wants the money back and starts to threaten Veronica. Her mother will not protect her since she is always drunk. Thus, the young girl must leave home and hide far away. On her journey she meets many characters. Some of them are comic, others are rather tragicomic. And Veronica tries to find good people with whom she would feel comfortable and happy, thus giving her life meaning. - Czech film center
Вещие сестрички
Tomjan, syn Verencův
Телеспектакль по книге Терри Пратчетта.
Pátek čtrnáctého
Jak chutná láska
На страже смерти
1917 год. На западном фронте без перемен. Миллионы солдат «захлебываются в крови» на изрытых воронками и опутанных колючей проволокой равнинах, превращенных в гигантскую общую могилу. После жестокого боя остатки роты, в которой служит 16-летний рядовой британской армии Чарли Шекспир, заблудились в густом тумане и оказались в тылу врага. Их единственное убежище — заброшенные немецкие траншеи с подземными ходами. Никто не придет к ним на помощь, потому что роту считают погибшей. Но это еще не самое страшное. Под землей затаился невидимый враг. Одного за другим солдат охватывают приступы безумия. А затем поджидает ужасная смерть…