Marco Werba


Fortune Cookie
La Grande Guerra del Salento
Original Music Composer
Spying on letter
Original Music Composer
In a post office 5 people are kidnapped by a crazy woman. They have to confess their crimes and sins and find a way to escape . Good Film, a must see.
Made in China Napoletano
Original Music Composer
Lacrime di San Lorenzo
Original Music Composer
Канун Дня Всех Святых 2
Original Music Composer
Однажды, на Хэллоуин, девушка, на пороге своего дома, находит странную видеокассету, на которой записаны жуткие страшные истории. И это не просто сказки, используя видеозапись как портал, злые сущности начинают проникать в наш мир....
The Inflicted
Original Music Composer
David O'Hara is a troubled medical student who kidnaps, rapes and murders women. He impregnates one of his victims, Melissa Daniels, in an attempt to replace the family that he lost as a young boy. However, the police rescue Melissa from David's warehouse, and David goes on a murderous rampage to get his family back.
Cela s'appelle l'amour
The theme of Romeo and Juliet is the starting point from which the film spins a web of several stories. A love story between a boy and a girl whose families are Algerian: they are young, beautiful and they are trying to build a family and a social life in France. They love each other, and yet conflicts, family pressure and contradicting desires alternately tear them apart and unite them. The story of Romeo and Juliet, minus death.