Taiwanese crime film.
Fight Choreographer
Angelo Mao, Judy Lee and Barry Chen star in this tale of murder, intrigue and betrayal. When two separate imperial agents stay in the same room at different times are both offed, foul play is afoot. After passing his five challenges required to qualify for the mission, Agent Ho Kun is dispatched to the town where the murders took place, to stay in the aforementioned room and complete the mission bestowed upon his ill fated colleagues. Upon discovering that some of the local contacts are employed by the antagonist of this tale, things start to get complicated.
Action Director
The search for the essence of Kung Fu leads our dynamic duo Cherry Pai and Champion Cheng into an adventure of terror, intrigue and blood lust - horrific fighting with spirits of dead warriors! Electrifying brutality!
The Devilish Killer is the most dangerous fighter that ever lived...After defeating all of China’s martial art factions in a grand battle, he decides that his victory cannot be complete unless he possesses the two Thunderbolt Swords. The leader of the Thunderbolt Sword clan sends his two sons into hiding knowing that sooner or later the Devilish Killer will come for them and destroy his clan. After the two sons leave, taking the Thunderbolt Sword with them, fate leads them to meet a young swordswoman who owns the other Thunderbolt Sword and together they unite their swords and train for the ultimate showdown with the Devilish Killer.
Школяр Ку Шен Чай живет в заброшенном форте вместе с матерью — он талантлив и умен, но совершенно лишен амбиций, а оттого беден, как церковная мышь. Однажды в соседний дом въезжает красивая девушка, мисс Янг, которой Ку тут же заинтересовывается, но ведет она себя нелюдимо и в высшей степени странно. В чем же дело — может быть, в этой глуши она скрывается от кого-то? Или вообще родом не из нашего мира?