Prudence Oliver


A TV drama short. After one of Clive's thugs steals from him, he sends his man, Dillon, after him. After settling that score, he goes to collect his payups, but someone is having trouble making the payments on time.
Повар, вор, его жена и её любовник
Corelle Fitch
Предводитель одной из преступных группировок каждый вечер приходит со своей женой и своими сообщниками во французский ресторан, который является его собственностью. Устав от постоянных издевательств и унижений со стороны мужа, жена находит себе любовника среди посетителей ресторана и занимается с ним любовью с молчаливого согласия повара.
Infantile Disorders
A gang of boys who run their money raising 'business' - on strictly free market lines - is threatened by the arrival of another group. - A socialistic group, headed by a black girl!
Gabrielle and the Doodleman
A wheelchair bound little girl gets involved with characters from her computer game that help her though a difficult time.
Flying Into the Wind
Young Laura
The Wyatts wish to educate their children at home, but the education authorities have other ideas. Moving between 1969 and 1980, we see how this affects the various individuals and attitudes.