Barnhart's stand up comedy show is a thrill ride of well-written, topical material exploring modern day society in a way that is hysterical, intelligent and thought-provoking. Don’s ability to keep audiences of all ages howling with laughter and coming back for more is what separates him from the average joke teller.
A comedy documentary about performing stand-up comedy for U.S. Troops stationed in Afghanistan, Kuwait and Iraq. Heartfelt interviews with top professional comedians are woven in with filmmaker Jordan Brady's first-hand experience going to the Middle East. While traveling (Spring 2016) brutal terrorist attacks in Brussels, Turkey and Iraq remind us of the dangers in thew world, and underscore the mission to provide laughter for the men and women serving the military.
Born into the underground world of human trafficking and prostitution, luck gave Jerri and Marie one chance to break free. They took it and now the mob wants them back...with interest.
Born into the underground world of human trafficking and prostitution, luck gave Jerri and Marie one chance to break free. They took it and now the mob wants them back...with interest.
Born into the underground world of human trafficking and prostitution, luck gave Jerri and Marie one chance to break free. They took it and now the mob wants them back...with interest.
Девичья панк-группа наконец-то получает шанс по-настоящему раскрутиться, но для этого им нужно успеть на концерт, проходящий в клубе на другой планете.