Santiago Calori

Santiago Calori


Santiago Calori


Straight to VHS
Self - Film Critic
Act of Violence Upon a Young Journalist is a film shot in 1988 and released on VHS in 1989; a mysterious cult work of Uruguayan cinema surrounded by strange theories about Manuel Lamas, its unknown creator. Until now.
The Watchers
The venerable VHS may have surprises. A strange spell captures the protagonists, who are friends, and submerges them straight into the world of the most implausible Argentine cop films. An amazing flow of images lost, forgotten and recovered whose consumption threatens to become addictive.
An Important Premiere
Executive Producer
For many years, Buenos Aires, Argentina, was one of the best places in the world for a film buff; but from the mid-sixties onwards, successive authoritarian governments shaped the will of the spectators, dictating what could be seen and what could not, so that the true cinema lovers, in their desire to watch films, had no choice but to embark on the most extraordinary and strange adventures.
An Important Premiere
For many years, Buenos Aires, Argentina, was one of the best places in the world for a film buff; but from the mid-sixties onwards, successive authoritarian governments shaped the will of the spectators, dictating what could be seen and what could not, so that the true cinema lovers, in their desire to watch films, had no choice but to embark on the most extraordinary and strange adventures.
An Important Premiere
For many years, Buenos Aires, Argentina, was one of the best places in the world for a film buff; but from the mid-sixties onwards, successive authoritarian governments shaped the will of the spectators, dictating what could be seen and what could not, so that the true cinema lovers, in their desire to watch films, had no choice but to embark on the most extraordinary and strange adventures.
Аргентинский дог
Безработный Хуан берется за любую работу, чтобы свести концы с концами. Судьба Хуана кардинально меняется, когда в благодарность за ремонт автомобиля «Мерседес» он получает от владельцев машины в подарок огромного аргентинского дога по кличке Бонбон (конфетка). Глава семьи, который купил собаку, неожиданно умер, и его жена и дочь не знают, что с ней делать. Постепенно Хуан привязывается к своему новому другу, который оказывается нежным, воспитанным и добрым Дог не только завоевывает медали на выставках, но, похоже, может помочь своему новому хозяину разбогатеть.
El bonaerense
Second Assistant Director
Zapa is a locksmith in a quiet and little town lost somewhere in the province of Buenos Aires. The work is quite slow, and hours seem to pass slowly. Polaco, the owner of the shop, sends him on a job that consists of opening a safe at an office. The next day, Zapa is imprisoned for being responsible of robbing the place. Ismael, his uncle, a retired policeman, bails him out and sends him to Buenos Aires. Zapa becomes an aspiring officer in the Buenos Aires Police. He gets to his new home city, takes the instructional course, works at a precinct, has a love affair with a teacher and starts to see his life turn into a strange fiction.