Richard Sydenham

Richard Sydenham


Richard Sydenham


Blood Pulls a Gun
Alice's Father
A teenage girl gets a keyhole look into a dangerous and mysterious world when a tattooed stranger checks into her roadside motel.
Матрица: Революция
Dock Sergeant
Пока армия Машин пытается уничтожить Зион, его жители из последних сил держат оборону. Но удастся ли им предотвратить полное вторжение в город кишащей орды беспощадных машин до того, как Нео соберёт все свои силы и положит конец войне?
Diana & Me
Layout Artist
Australian Diana Spencer wins a competition in a women's magazine, and as a prize gets a trip for two to London, where she wants to meet her idol and namesake, Princess Diana. She goes there with her fiance, Mark, but during the garden party the Princess plans to attend, things get mixed up and Aussie Diana gets arrested with Paparazzi photographer Rob. Diana really wants to meet the Princess and follows Rob as he searches for Princess Di to take some photos.