Peter Bathurst


A young man (Joe Kennedy) travels into the countryside. The phone message he repeatedly listens to on his phone is fragmented. He cycles to a crossroads where a bunch of flowers with a note attached is taped to a gatepost, then on to a scrapyard. He finds a car with audio cassettes hidden in the glove compartment. The owner of the yard calls out to him, his dog finally chasing the man away.
Director of Photography
A young man (Joe Kennedy) travels into the countryside. The phone message he repeatedly listens to on his phone is fragmented. He cycles to a crossroads where a bunch of flowers with a note attached is taped to a gatepost, then on to a scrapyard. He finds a car with audio cassettes hidden in the glove compartment. The owner of the yard calls out to him, his dog finally chasing the man away.
The Last Sparks of Sundown
Director of Photography
Two down-on-their-luck American brothers travel to England to sell their late grandfather's country estate. A straightforward plan if it weren't for the strangers in the house and the sinister man on their tail.
Clapper Loader
Кинотрактовка закулисных взаимоотношений английской королевы Елизаветы II и премьер-министра Тони Блэра, развивающихся на фоне многочисленных проблем, возникших в связи с трагической гибелью принцессы Дианы. Август 1997 года. Любимица Соединенного Королевства принцесса Диана погибла в автокатастрофе. Королева Елизавета II, несмотря на все ожидания британского общества, уединяется в замке Балморал, где пытается осознать весь масштаб постигшей Великобританию утраты.Однако недавно избранный премьер-министр Тони Блэр понимает, что сложившаяся ситуация может отвернуть простых британцев от престола. Поэтому на его плечи ложится весь груз ответственности по поиску компромисса между глубоко личной трагедией королевского дома и желанием общественности увидеть ее публичные проявления.
The Alcohol Years
Lighting Camera
Carol Morley returns to Manchester, where in the early 1980s, five years of her life were lost in an alcoholic blur. The Alcohol Years is a poetic retrieval of that time, in which rediscovered friends and acquaintances recount tales of her drunken and promiscuous behavior. In Morley’s search for her lost self, conflicting memories and viewpoints weave in and out, revealing a portrait of the city, its pop culture, and the people who lived it.