Thomas Ordonneau


Our Eternal Summer
To live and to love at the age of 18, immersing yourself in the carefree summer days and nights, losing your best friend suddenly, and realizing that nothing lasts forever. It’s a time of decisive encounters in order to be reborn.
The Tale of King Crab
Small town in Italy, end of the 19th century. Luciano, a drunk, accidentally kills his lover during a revolt against the local Prince. To pay for his crime, he is forced into exile on the most remote island in the world, Argentina’s Tierra del Fuego. The hunt for the shipwreck treasure hidden on the island becomes his opportunity for redemption.
Goodbye Mister Wong
France works at her family’s karaoke restaurant on an old boat at the shores of lake Nam Ngum. She falls in love with Xana, an underwater logger, while Tony Wong, a quiet and sentimental Chinese billionaire which is exploiting this subwater richness declares his heart to her. It’s then that Hugo arrives in search of his wife Nadine who left one year ago… He enters a surreal period of exile, captivated by life around the lake’s splendour.
Джузеппе, обычного работягу с юга Италии, беды настигают одна за другой. Сначала шальной осколок скалы лишает его глаза и заработка на каменоломне, затем жена внезапно умирает от сердечного приступа во время работы на виноградниках. Пытаясь спасти своего сына от нищеты, он решает вместе с ним отправиться на заработки на тот же виноградник. Здесь всем заправляет мафия — чтобы выживать приходится во всём подчиняться ей и соглашаться на её правила.
I Have Loved Living Here
In a new town, somewhere in the suburbs of Paris, intimate stories meet the writings of the famous writer Annie Ernaux : is living in harmony a utopia, or could it be actual and overcome the paradoxes of society to welcome foreigners.
Луиш - жизнерадостный мужчина предпенсионного возраста. Все чаще его можно встретить не в офисе, а за рулем автомобиля, поющего песни о том, что проносится перед глазами. Умеющий ловко избегать любых конфликтов, всегда с улыбкой наготове, Луиш за годы работы коммерческим директором фирмы по установке систем безопасности выработал уникальный навык счастливо избегать проблем и сложностей на работе. Даже смерть любимого кота, боль в колене или семейная ссора не может сбить его с позитивной волны: в мире нет ничего такого, что не могла бы исправить хорошая песня. Но при виде Люсинды его обычный репертуар вдруг приобретает новую тональность.
Мартин Иден
Юный моряк и выходец из низов Мартин Иден случайно знакомится с девушкой из состоятельной семьи Руфью Морз. Влюбившись с первого взгляда и попав под обаяние высшего света, Мартин решает стать достойным своей избранницы. Отныне его жизнь будет посвящена тому, чтобы реализовать пробудившийся писательский дар, добиться славы и руки любимой женщины.
Что ты будешь делать, когда мир в огне?
Лето 2017 года. Серия убийств полицейскими молодых афро-американцев всколыхнула всю страну. Сообщество афро-американцев на юге США пытается справиться с сохраняющимися пережитками прошлого и найти своё место в недружелюбной стране. А тем временем «Чёрные пантеры» готовят масштабные протесты против жестокости полиции.
Something Is Happening
Avignon. Irma, who doesn’t seem to find her place in the world crosses paths with Dolores, a free and uninhibited woman who is in a mission to write a gay-friendly travel guide on a forgotten area in Provence. The unlikely duo takes to the road and contrary to the saught after pittoresque and sexy Provence, they discover a world more complex and a warm-hearted humanity, struggling to exist. For both of them the trip becomes a initiatory journey.
Don't Work (1968-2018)
A year in the life of Elsa Michaud and Gabriel Gauthier, students of Fine Arts in Paris, lovers in troubled times, overwhelmed by maddening verbal and auditory stimuli, witnesses of a globalized violence more visible than ever in a chaotic digital era, in which the slow execution of simple gestures in a silent performance is an act of resistance.
The Competition
An all-access tour behind the scenes at France’s premiere film school, La Fémis. Showing us how successful candidates get to follow in the footsteps of such luminaries as Louis Malle, François Ozon and Alain Resnais, all of whom attended this prestigious institution. Stumbling over their words, the often-nervous candidates seem vulnerable when confronted with the veterans of the industry, who have the difficult task of discovering true talent among all these eager young people.
Laurent is seeking a path in life after living his childhood and teenage years in laziness. He has a conflictual relationship with Rodolphe, his father, and both are too emotional to express their mutual affection. Despite the women of his life hanging around him , Rodolphe has but one obsession: meeting Marguerite again, the first love of his life.
Happy Times Will Come Soon
Tommaso and Arturo are on the run in a remote forest. They hunt for food, trying to survive and find their way through the lush nature. It’s quiet, almost peaceful, until the sound of gunshots… Many years later, this forest has a wolf problem. It’s here where Ariane discovers a strange hole in the ground. Could she be the woman referred to in the valley’s legends?
John From
Rita is fifteen and spends the summer between warm afternoons of teenage love and party nights with her friend Sara. From Portugal to the South Pacific, the pleasures of this routine will take a turn when the young girl visits the art show of a new neighbor in the local community.
C'est l'amour
Odile suspects her husband, Jean, is cheating. Thus she decides to give him a taste of his own medicine. Fate gets her in touch with an actor, Daniel, who she will use for her revenge. The actor, living with a former serviceman, Albert, will make love with her. But there will be unexpected consequences: Odile and Daniel will be bound forever by an irrepressible love.
Arabian Nights: Volume 3, The Enchanted One
In which Scheherazade doubts that she will still be able to tell stories to please the King, given that what she has to tell weighs three thousand tonnes. She therefore escapes from the palace and travels the Kingdom in search of pleasure and enchantment. Her father, the Grand-Vizier, arranges to meet her at the Ferris wheel, and Scheherazade resumes her narration: “Auspicious King, in old shanty towns of Lisbon there was a community of bewitched men who, in all rigour and passion, dedicated themselves to teaching birds to sing…”. And seeing the morning break, Scheherazade fell silent.
Arabian Nights: Volume 2, The Desolate One
In which Scheherazade tells of how desolation invaded men : “It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that a Judge will cry instead of giving out her sentence. A runaway murderer will wander through the land for over forty days and will teletransport himself to escape the Guard while dreaming of prostitutes and partridges. A wounded cow will reminisce about a thousand-year-old olive tree while saying what she must say, which will sound none less than sad ! The residents of a tower block in the suburbs will save parrots and piss inside lifts while surrounded by dead people and ghosts; including in fact a dog that…”. And seeing the morning break, Scheherazade fell silent.
Arabian Nights: Volume 1, The Restless One
Every night, in danger of being beheaded, Scheherazade tells King Shahryar unfinished tales to continue them the following night, hence defying his promise of murdering his new wives after their wedding night. Scheherazade tells king Shahryar her stories but these are not those in the book. These are stories based on whatever will be happening in Portugal during the production time of the film. As in the book, these stories will be tragic and comical, with rich and poor, powerless and powerful people, filled with surprising and extraordinary events. This film will be about the reality of a disgraced country, Portugal, under the effects of a global economic crisis.
Умирая, эксцентричная старушка просит двух соседок разыскать некоего мужчину. Женщины находят незнакомца, который рассказывает им трогательную историю их любви в колониальной Африке и их преступления, после которого они больше никогда не виделись.
Наш любимый месяц август
Фильм представляет собой оригинальную смесь из различных жанров — мюзикла, документалистики, мелодрамы. Это история из жизни обычных португальцев, а также Тани и ее молодого кузена, приехавшего на каникулы. Впереди у них любимый месяц август…
Portrait of Alain Emery: The Child Who Did Not Know How to Smile
Through the portrait of Alain Emery, who in 1953 embodied the child of the film 'White Mane', directed by Albert Lamorisse, this film is a tribute to the Camargue, its winter light, its peculiar rhythms to the men and women, guardians, bull-breeders and fishermen who give this land an incredible wild beauty. Returning to the scene of filming, this film goes in search of the poetic force that flows from end to end in Lamorisse's film.
No Rest for the Brave
Associate Producer
A strange man is involved in a village massacre and drug dealing.