In former Yugoslavia, following Tito's break-up with Stalin, the rocky island of Goli Otok was the camp site for political prisoners. From that officially non-existant yet dreaded place a young man escapes and seeks refuge on a nearby island. The nuns from the local convent find him unconscious and decide to give him shelter. A relentless secret policeman comes to the island and starts making life miserable for its inhabitants, hoping to find his prey...
Original Story
WW2 story about group of prisoners who are trying to escape the death camp, run by local pro-Nazi militia.
WW2 story about group of prisoners who are trying to escape the death camp, run by local pro-Nazi militia.
О героической борьбе югославских патриотов с фашистскими оккупантами в 1943 г. Герой фильма Андро Наранчич бежит из фашистского лагеря и вступает в партизанский отряд. Из-за происков предателя его подозревают в связи с фашистами. Много пережил Андро, прежде чем сумел доказать товарищам свою невиновность.
A film describing the political history of Dubrovnik and the history of its architecture, painting, literature and science until the end of Republic of Ragusa.