Oscar Simch

Oscar Simch


Oscar Simch


Macabre Night
Radio Host (Voice)
At night, during a transfer, the inmates of a maximum-security prison escape and head towards a small town. The authorities ask the citizens to help capture the fugitives by any means necessary, offering a cash reward. Amidst the chaos, a young couple in crisis tries to stay alive.
À Sombra
O Maníaco do Facebook
Dr. Hugo
Chitão is a man who ended up getting too much into the culture of social networks. So much so that, after being arrested for a bizarre psychotic break that made him nudge people on the street, Chitão was instructed to look for a psychologist to help him get rid of his Facebook addiction. However, things do not go as expected and Chitão begins to take the ideas of the social network and computers into real life.
Herr Fischer
Фильм, основанный на реальных событиях, рассказывает историю коммунистки Ольги Бенарио-Престес (1908-1942). Ольга Бенарио, еврейка из Германии, с юности увлеклась коммунистическими идеями. В 16 лет она порывает со своей буржуазной семьей, оставляет Мюнхен, где родилась, и приезжает в Берлин. В столице становится активисткой компартии. Преследуемая полицией, она спасается бегством в Москву, где проходит военную подготовку. В 1935 году ей поручают сопровождать бразильского коммуниста Луиса Карлуса Престеса в Бразилию, где он должен возглавить коммунистическую революцию. В пути она влюбляется в него. Революция проваливается, Престес и Ольга арестованы.
Lua de Outubro
Juvêncio Pazos
Aqueles Dois
Raul and Saul work at the same office. Raul, outgoing and good-natured comes from a broken marriage. Saul is shy, with a critical and bitter disposition. He comes from a broken engagement, and a failed suicide attempt. In spite of their differences, they become quite good friends. But their colleagues begin to wonder whether there's something beyond friendship between them.
Beijo Ardente – Overdose
At the ruins of Gasometro’s power plant, in Porto Alegre, hides a vampire bored and distressed about his eternal life. Throughout the night, seeking for blood, he roams the streets looking for victims, until que falls in love with the architect that is restoring the power plant.