Tom Blyth

Tom Blyth

Рождение : 1995-02-02, Birmingham, England, UK


Tom Blyth is an actor and producer, known for Billy the Kid (2022), The Gilded Age (2021) and Benediction (2021).


Tom Blyth


Голодные игры: Баллада о змеях и певчих птицах
Coriolanus Snow
За много лет до того, как стать тираническим президентом Панема, 18-летний Кориолан Сноу — последняя надежда своего угасающего рода, некогда гордой семьи, потерявшей благородство в послевоенном Капитолии. С приближением 10-х ежегодных Голодных игр молодой Сноу встревожен, когда его назначают наставником Люси Грей Бэрд, девушки-трибуна из бедного Дистрикта 12. Но после того, как Люси Грей привлекает внимание всего Панема, дерзко спев во время церемонии жатвы, Сноу думает, что сможет переломить ситуацию в свою пользу. Объединив свои инстинкты шоумена и политическую смекалку, Сноу и Люси Грей попадают в водоворот событий в борьбе за выживание. В конечном итоге они выяснят, кто из них певчая птица, а кто змея...
Glen Byam Shaw
История самых ярких лет жизни английского поэта, писателя и солдата, принявшего участие в Первой мировой войне, Зигфрида Сассуна.
Scott and Sid
From their first encounter as teenagers in high school, Scott and Sid seem unlikely friends. Scott is a shambolic dreamer, intent on carving out his own path in life and holding up a metaphorical middle finger to anyone who tries to stop him. He is a quintessential troubled teen: on his fifth high school by the age of fifteen, alienated from his peers, crippled by recurring nightmares and disliked by his own foster parents. Sid, on the other hand, wants nothing more than to be liked. An unconfident, awkward recluse through circumstance, Sid's impoverished and dysfunctional background leave him no time for friends and no money for hobbies.
Wash Club
When an aspiring journalist hears rumours of a tumble-drier cult on campus, he launches an investigation that quickly snowballs into a social phenomenon. Based on a true story.
On the Bristol coast, in a town where nothing ever happens, teenager Naomi manipulates her friend Josh into following her. She leads to him to where she'll know Owen is, an older boy, her ex-boyfriend, and she wants to make him jealous. But her plan backfires and she loses both of the boys. Returning home Naomi slips into a elaborate fantasy - a dream of herself with Owen in the reeds by the water. Awaking from her daydream she knows what she must do - she's going to sneak into Owen's house and tell him something that will make him stay with her.
Робин Гуд
Feral Child
История лучника армии Ричарда Львиное Сердце, который борется против нормандских захватчиков и становится легендарным героем, известным под именем Робин Гуд.
A promising undercover officer assigned to lure and arrest gay men, defies professional orders when he falls in love with a target.
Discussion Materials
Bobby Sanders
Follows Bobby Sanders, an ex-pro-hockey-player-turned-junior-banker as he navigates the peculiar and somewhat surreal world of high finance and faces life's meaning within this gilded cage.