A young couple is terrorized by the former owner of the home they now occupy. Instead of a honeymoon, life becomes a cat and mouse game for these newlyweds as they try to survive being hunted by a man who knows every inch of the residence better than they do; and who has nothing left to lose.
Devin's struggles between an office job he hates and a pitiful career as an actor get worse when his beautiful girlfriend Jasmine decides to stop hoping he could ever turn into serious 'relationship material'. She seizes the opportunity to try new experiences but soon her reckless single life induces Jasmine to question herself. Will she give Devin a second chance?
Во время литературной конференции при загадочных обстоятельствах погибает один из участников, советский диссидент Юрий Маленкович, автор книги, разоблачающей деятельность КГБ. Список подозреваемых в убийстве Маленковича внушителен и включает как тех, кому писатель посвятил свою книгу, так и тех, с кем он успел поссориться за один день пребывания на конференции.