Robin Wyatt Dunn


Рождественская магия кино
Executive Producer
Журналистка развлекательной колонки Элли узнаёт, что магия живёт не только в фильмах, когда пытается выяснить, кто же вдохновил мировую кинозвезду на написание популярной рождественской песни о любви.
American Messenger
The story of the modern Los Angeles film industry as a series of monologues. The monologues are delivered by various characters, including a writer, a director, a producer, an actress, and a soccer mom. Through this chorus of voices, an unforgettable story of America after the republic is told.
American Messenger
The story of the modern Los Angeles film industry as a series of monologues. The monologues are delivered by various characters, including a writer, a director, a producer, an actress, and a soccer mom. Through this chorus of voices, an unforgettable story of America after the republic is told.