Blagoj Veselinov

Blagoj Veselinov


Blagoj Veselinov


Things Unsaid
A troubled teenager disturbs the fragile balance of a married couple when she moves in to stay with them for couple of days.
The Butcher
Todor is a young butcher working in the meat section of a large supermarket. Marika is a young cashier at the same supermarket. She is married to a young house painter, Stamen. The butcher goes on a quest to conquer the fragile heart of the cashier. He steals bones and secretly sends them to her for her dog. Stamen finds out about the butcher and removes him from their lives. But the butcher returns - just when he is most needed... when the cashier’s heart has given up.
Grandfather and Grandson
What is like to be a widowed old man in a small town where every single day is the same like the previous? And what will happen when the grandson that man haven't seen in 10 years will knock on his door and suddenly brake all of his routines?
All Against All
A political drama with elements of a thriller discusses politics, electoral fraud, and the decay of moral values, taking place in the fictional town of Rovte under the idyllic Alps. Franta, a corrupt mayor, is about to lose the election. After a TV debate, where he fails utterly, Franta calls his mistress Jozica in desperation. She advises him to seek the aid of Fleischmann, a criminal who is the only one capable of solving the problem on such short notice. After all, there are only four days left until the elections.
The Theatre of Scupi
On the outskirts of Skopje, archeologists discovered the remains of an ancient Roman city called Skupi. The amphitheater is one of many other public buildings that testify to what was once a lively city on the Via Egnatia. The theatre was a place for social gatherings, festivals, games and plays. Skopje City Council intends to reconstruct the amphitheater and reopen it for public use. The reconstruction project is estimated to last for three years, and this documentary follows the activities at the meeting point between the distant past and present times. Human curiosity often manifests and satisfies itself through the phenomenon of “scenium”. Contemporary people share the same desires and urges for more or less similar objectives.
Year of The Monkey
Direktor na TV
A mild political satire about a peculiar friendship between a lonesome monkey and an (impoverished) zoo warden, and about an upside-down world in transition as seen by a chimpanzee.
The Future Is Ours
After a rough night out protesting in the city, Kosta and Maja fall in the hands of the police. Their lives will change forever.
Мать и брат Веле шесть лет назад погибли в аварии. Он живет вместе с умирающим от рака отцом, работает в депо, где задерживают зарплату. Веле в отчаянии, нет денег отцу на лекарства. Тлен и безысходность. Как-то в депо приходит полиция: поступил сигнал, что в одном из вагонов спрятана контрабанда. Рабочих просят осмотреть состав, полиции сообщают, что ничего не найдено. У Веле забрезжила надежда на чудо
Jovan inherits shoes from his late father. From that moment on, his everyday life-routine is disrupted. Jovan blames his father’s shoes for this, but the actual reason for his unfulfilled life is one crucial event from his past.
Balkan Is Not Dead
A Macedonian family from Bitola at the turn of the twentieth century tries to survive, preserve its roots and remain together.
Igor, a police officer from Skopje, accidentally kills a civilian. He accepts an offer from his superior to go unpunished, but on the condition that he will be transferred to a border village, as far away from Skopje as possible.
Younger Soldier
Alone without the protection of his father, a child embarks on a quest for answers and his destiny in a dangerous, post apocalyptic world.