Aksel Mehmet


The film tells a story about crime, money, greed and the value of the human soul.
Мать и брат Веле шесть лет назад погибли в аварии. Он живет вместе с умирающим от рака отцом, работает в депо, где задерживают зарплату. Веле в отчаянии, нет денег отцу на лекарства. Тлен и безысходность. Как-то в депо приходит полиция: поступил сигнал, что в одном из вагонов спрятана контрабанда. Рабочих просят осмотреть состав, полиции сообщают, что ничего не найдено. У Веле забрезжила надежда на чудо
Cut Here
Tattoo Artist
Cut Here is a story about two contrasting worlds and outlooks on life: the world of shallow consumer-ism and trashy mainstream, and the world of marginalized individualism. Nina puts on her best ‘self ’—expensive clothes, lots of makeup, etc.—and leaves her kitsch luxury home. Anna unchains her old bicycle and leaves her semi-derelict building. Nina almost crashes into Anna as she carelessly exits her garage with her girly car. She yells a couple of insults at Anna, and then both resume their journeys to their respective destinations. Their destinations will tell us a lot about the different directions in which their lives are moving.
KARMA is a short story about the faith of several people, mixed up in a chain of events.
Balkan Is Not Dead
A Macedonian family from Bitola at the turn of the twentieth century tries to survive, preserve its roots and remain together.
The Third Half
Shiljo (Goofy)
Spitz is the German-Jewish coach of the football team Macedonia during World War II. Under his leadership, the team fights to become the champion of Bulgaria's National Football League