Zvone Hribar


Burglars are at Work in the Summer
Erjavec family (dad, mom, daughter, son) go camping in Slovenian Alps. Instead of a peaceful vacation, they end up involved in detective kind of story.
Dergi and Roza in the Kingdom of the Marmot
Two men, a radio consultant and social worker, take refuge in the kingdom of the marmot - an alpine hut, which becomes their small business.
December Rain
In the revolutionary year of 1968, Stane is an active rebel student. Mojca is a freshman, has a boyfriend named Vid, whom she met at the carnival party. There she also met her later husband Stane. Vid leaves for military service, while Stane successfully avoids it. During the glorification of this event, Mojca and Stane come together intimately. Upon his return from the army, Vid discovers this love triangle. Stane and Mojca get married. The death of the child and the awareness that Stane is cheating on her, leads Mojca to divorce.
Long Live Freedom
Old man Repovz recalls experiences of the WWII in an entertaining, comic way rather than tragic. A man breaks his arm to avoid being drafted; the other man shoots fire to scare enemy soldiers; love stories, as well as troubles with forced collectivization took place there. A partisan hero finds out that he lost her fiancee, but somewhat cheers up when his white horse comes back to him...
Blanka Kolak's Love
In the wild times of the Second World War, Blanka marries political grandee Pavle, who is shortly afterwards sent to Goli Otok as a political prisoner. Blanka has enthusiasm for photography, becomes independent and opens a studio of photography with Laco. But soon she realizes that her business partner is an impostor. Pavle returns from prison, but their relationship, despite awareness of the political interference in their intimate sphere, imbues the bitter chill and misunderstanding. Blanka tries to drown her endless problems in alcohol and seduce her only male friend, but her last rescue, the thread of love, is being interrupted as well. Is every love of Blanka Kolak sentenced to death, is love possible at all, is worth living without it?
Vladimir Kante, a high-ranking police official whom everyone refers to simply as "Doc" or "the Doctor" remains in office after the Italian occupation, but soon establishes ties with the Liberation Front. His hard work as a double agent pays off with many lives saved and a number of the enemy's plans revealed to the resistance. When the Germans march into Ljubljana (after the Italian capitulation), the Doctor continues with both his official and his secret work, but is caught by the Germans shortly before the end of the war. Will the Doctor remain loyal to his mission until the end, despite the death threats and brutal torture he is subjected to?
Open Space
Summer of 1972, a small group of fanatical Croatian nationalists, trained and equipped by extreme emigrant organizations, infiltrated the territory of former Yugoslavia with intent to organize an uprising against Tito's regime. This series, very loosely based on true events, depicts the manhunt that followed.
A Breath of Air
The infant mortality rate in the maternity ward of a hospital increases suspiciously - allegedly due to an unknown pulmonary disease. When Doctor Barbara decides to inform the public of this tragic phenomenon, a number of the doctors, including the hospital management, try to prevent her.
The Tenth Brother
Based on the novel by Josip Jurcic and set in rural Yugoslavia in the 1840's. The tenth brother of a family returns to the family home to take revenge on his father who had abandoned him as a child.
See You in the Next War
The two enemies from war, Slovenian partisan Berk and German soldier Bitter, meet each other during holidays in Spain. Recalling the war through conversation, Berk remembers Anton, his fellow comrade he had spend the most time with.
My Dear Iza
Andrej Novak
The film is a portrait of the Novak family: the results of the marriage between the farmer Novak and a townswoman of German descent, their children and their tragic fates and the life of Andrej - the Novaks' only surviving child. Andrej recalls the days of his youth and the wartime years, in which the family slowly breaks up due to different political beliefs and world-outlooks. In addition to the loss of many members of his family, Andrej must also face the fact that his father has disowned him and his girlfriend left him. Despite all, however, he keeps alive his hopes of a better future, which, to him, is embodied by the beautiful Iza.
The Call to Spring
In 18th century Slovenia ruled by the Habsburg dynasty, a troop of soldiers are ordered to prevent the Shrovetide carnival by force and two youngsters are killed in the fight that ensue.