Lorenzo Zurzolo

Lorenzo Zurzolo

Рождение : 2000-03-21, Rome, Lazio, Italy


Lorenzo Zurzolo is an Italian actor and he is well-known for his role as Niccolo Govender Rossi in Netflix’s Baby.


Lorenzo Zurzolo


Diabolik chi sei?
Diabolik giovane
Captured by a ruthless criminal gang, Diabolik and Ginko find themselves face to face. Locked in a cell that has no way out, and convinced they are going to die, Diabolik reveals his mysterious past to the inspector. Meanwhile, Eva Kant and Altea are each desperately searching for their two loves. Will the paths of the two rivals cross at last?
История осла по имени Бальтазар, начавшаяся в польском цирке и заканчивающаяся итальянской бойней, является горьким, но и тепло гуманистическим парафразом «роуд-муви». Это паноптикум поведения человека по отношению к беззащитному животному, наводящая на размышления картина социальных отношений и культурных изменений, происходящих в современном мире.
Под солнцем Амальфи
Через год после Риччоне Винченцо приглашает Камиллу и Фурио в дом своего отца на мифическом Амальфитанском побережье.
Lodo is twenty years old and lives the difficulties of his age, between a difficult relationship with his father and the attempt to conquer Giulia, his roommate with whom he is madly in love. He performs with the MOB, an indie band, in a legendary Roman club: the Morrison. One day, by chance, Lodo's path crosses that of Libero Ferri, a former rock star with a stalemate career, who tries to find success but ends up withdrawing more and more in himself, neglecting his beautiful wife Luna and living isolated in his luxurious villa full of memories. Between dreams, failures, friendship, tormented loves and curious characters, their meeting will become a mutual stimulus to move forward, but at times also a difficult comparison between generations and very different ways of being.
Загадочное убийство
Четверо друзей оказались заперты в загородном доме и изолированы от внешнего мира из-за сильной метели. Оказавшись в снежной ловушке, они понимают, что у них есть всего один шанс на спасение: выяснить, кто из них виновен в совершении необъяснимого преступления в прошлом.
Под солнцем Риччоне
Во время отдыха на пляжах Риччоне группа подростков быстро становится друзьями. Их объединяют общие проблемы отношений и романтики.
Compromessi sposi
A young fashion blogger and an aspiring songwriter seem to have not that much in common, but when Cupid’s arrow hits them, every difference fades away and overnight they decide to get married. Even their fathers do not have anything in common: Gaetano is a strict mayor from Southern Italy, while Diego is a rich entrepreneur from the North. Between the two forthcoming in-laws, instead, is hate at first sight. They seem to agree on one single common goal: prevent this marriage at any cost! After fighting by any means in a struggle that will also involve their two bizarre families, will they manage to say no to the wedding?
Giulio Ranieri
Well-known writer Ettore takes his family on a mountain chalet getaway for his birthday, in an effort to create a bond between his two sons, Claudio and Giulio, and his second wife, Margherita. The group is also joined by Margherita's brother, Claudio's girlfriend, a Ukraininan cook and her daughter. When an internet outage strikes, a series of exciting adventures ensues.
Outing - Engaged by Mistake
In their village of Puglia (Southern part of Italy on the Adriatic side) Federico and Riccardo have been best friends since childhood. Federico is a penniless playboy, while Riccardo is a young fashion designer. To pursue his dream, Riccardo trades his home for Milan. When Frederick discovers that the Puglia Region provides funding in support of business activities, he convinces Riccardo to come back and open a fashion house. But there is a problem: funding is only available to common law couples, and so Federico and Riccardo must pretend to be a gay couple, and enlist the help of the local newspaper editor, a journalist and Richard’s despotic girlfriend ..
Идеальная семья
Леоне - 50 лет, он сильный, богатый, таинственный и по большей части одинокий человек. Не желая проводить Рождество наедине с самим собой, он нанимает компанию актеров для интерпретации семьи, которую он никогда не имел, и возможно даже никогда и не хотел иметь. Но границы между реальностью и вымыслом так быстро стираются, что запланированное действие становится слишком непредсказуемым. В итоге эта неуправляемая игра проливает свет на их понятия ревности, дружбы и любви, а также раскрывает неожиданные тайны, скрытые очень глубоко.
Love is in the Air
Bambino film d'autore
Couple Andrea and Giulia, an outwardly successful couple, are having problems in the bedroom. When Giulia invites Max, an old friend from high school, to stay in the family home with their teenage son, some new attitudes begin to form.