Based on the award-winning novel by Rusty Whitener, Season of Miracles follows the Robins, an underdog Little League team through their 1974 season with newcomer and autistic baseball savant, Rafer. Team leader Zack takes Rafer under his wing despite taunting from their rivals, the Hawks.
A high school science teacher and her sixteen year old student, run away together and take refuge behind the doors of a murky motel room in rural Orca Park, Florida. When an unhinged private investigator shows up and starts asking questions, the lover's idyllic world plummets into a well of suspicion, jealousy and deceit.
A high school science teacher and her sixteen year old student, run away together and take refuge behind the doors of a murky motel room in rural Orca Park, Florida. When an unhinged private investigator shows up and starts asking questions, the lover's idyllic world plummets into a well of suspicion, jealousy and deceit.
A high school science teacher and her sixteen year old student, run away together and take refuge behind the doors of a murky motel room in rural Orca Park, Florida. When an unhinged private investigator shows up and starts asking questions, the lover's idyllic world plummets into a well of suspicion, jealousy and deceit.
Отец и дочь-тинейджер получили работу по реставрации дома. Они решаются переночевать в старом жилище, а рано с утра приступить к работе. Но все пошло не так, когда девушка ночью стала слышать странные звуки с верхних этажей…