Mariano García Rey


La cruz de Iberia
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The Heifer
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During the Spanish Civil War a platoon of mismatched Republican soldiers cross the front-line to steal the bull that the enemy is going to fight on the local holiday of the nearby village. In addition to ruining the Nationalist faction's celebration they want the animal in order to butcher it and feed their famished troops. They get caught in the process and have to go through a series of funny and pathetic incidents before they can get back to their side.
The Secret Garden
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A few days ago, Lucia (Assumpta Serna) receives anonymous letters in which he is forced to perform certain actions that she accepts without question. Her current boyfriend, Arthur (Xabier Elorriaga), suspects the mysterious sender can be Lucia's former lover, whose strange death never reached clarified. Now it's time it's Arthur who put the cards on the table to get to the bottom of it.
Bajo en nicotina
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A film buff can't watch his videos in peace as he is disturbed by his clingy girlfriend and noisy neighbours. He will take drastic measures to get them to shut up for once and for all.
The Holy Innocents
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Somewhere in the spanish country, in the 60s. Paco and his wife Régula are very poor. They work as tenant farmers for a very wealthy landowner. They have 3 children. One is backward. The others can not got to school because the master "needs" their work. When Regula's brother is fired from where he has worked for 61 years, he settles down at their little place... An attack against the archaism of the spanish country of the 60s.
The Angry Cid
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Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, “Mio Cid”, is in love with Jimena, but the Count of Oviedo, his father, challenges him to a duel and is killed. He before him curses Rodrigo, that if he marries Jimena, he will lose his manly faculties. And, in fact, when he gets married, Rodrigo becomes effeminate.
Target Eagle
Makeup Artist
A Spanish police chief hires an undercover agent (a Jewish mercenary(?)) to infiltrate a gang of heroin smugglers. The mercenary is code-named Eagle because of a tattoo. Infiltrating the gang, he uses a female agent as a point of contact. However, as he gets deeper into the gang, he discovers that there bigger goings-on than dope. The gang is involved in the transportation of smuggled uranium for the manufacture of nuclear arms for sale to Libya and other aspiring third world countries. Things get even stickier when a ruthless bad guy shows up and he turns out to be one of Eagle's former cohorts in the Foreign Legion.
La casa del paraíso
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Victoria, a beautiful woman, breaks into a large house, where strage people live without ever leaving the house. There is an enigmatical man who controls the lives of these people and the visit of Victoria will unchain passions and disclose the true feelings represed into their souls.
El erótico enmascarado
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
In a small provincial town on the Spanish coast, a conflict arises between prostitutes and a group of devout women, annoyed by the presence of prostitutes in their locality. The tension is increasing and the prostitutes are asking Carmelo, the local pharmacist, to intercede for them. He, who goes out with Asunción, one of the women facing the heteros, refuses. To convince Carmelo, prostitutes force him to have sex with them. Due to the pleasure of this experience he changes his mind.
The Cantabrians
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In this film Paul Naschy embodies the Roman general Agrippa Vipsanio in a fierce battle against the tribal leaders Cantabrians, Corocota. Fierce battles, gladiators fighting, adventure and intrigue in this film as in the Roman conquest of Hispania.
Cariñosamente infiel
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The film chronicles the life and marital problems of a couple, through the vision of his two sons, four and eight years old and how, despite their young age, they understand the marital problems.
Compañero de viaje
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A tale of hate in a town in the Venezuelan Andes where the conflicts and passions of those who live enclosed in the mountains make violence an inevitable destiny.
Historia de S
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Sebastian (Alfredo Landa), dressmaker of great prestige, is aware of the boredom that produces sexual routine with his wife. Is then made with a good amount of erotic material, including books and magazines and catching up on what is current in the sexual aspects. His wife, alarmed at the new attitude of Sebastian, there is even the possibility to enter. Sebastian, determined to modernize the extreme, organize a parade with new models essentially erotic.
I Feel Strange
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Laura is a pianist who leaves her home fed up with her abusive husband's mistreatment. Then she meets Marta, a vedette and television star with whom she will work on the preparation of her new show. From the moment Laura moves to Marta's home, the neighbors' gossips and rumours begin.
Makeup Artist
Классический любовный треугольник. Супруги, отношения которых дали трещину, и молодой красавец, покоривший женщину с первого взгляда. Ревность и беспомощность мужа, драка между соперниками, попытка забыться в объятиях другой — всё как в тысячах подобных драм, за одним исключением. У избранника героини — четыре лапы, хвост и прекрасная чёрная шерсть.
Esposa y amante
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Luisa's daughter attempted suicide. While attending the clinic and, contemplating the state of his daughter, Luisa recalls the early happy years of her marriage to Pedro, a popular and friendly sports journalist. Soon after came the first deception of her husband.
Secretos de alcoba
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El hombre que supo amar
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Esclava te doy
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Doctor, me gustan las mujeres, ¿es grave?
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Whisky and Ghosts
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A snake-oil salesman is chased across the desert by a gang of Mexican bandits. He finds out, however, that he is being protected by the spirits of Davey Crockett, Pecos Bill and Johnny Appleseed.
Santo vs. Doctor Death
Key Makeup Artist
Masked Mexican wrestler and superhero Santo plays private investigator, called in by government officials to investigate the mysterious vandalism of a high profile painting. With the help of his two counterparts, he uncovers the truth behind an art collector/chemist who may be murdering female models.
Hannah, Queen of the Vampires
Professor Bolton
Two archaeologists on a scientific dig come across a vampire burial ground and discover that the creatures are about to awaken and attack a nearby village.
Земля Чато
Makeup Artist
Индеец-полукровка по имени Чато убивает шерифа небольшого городка и пускается в бега. Его преследует целый отряд, возглавляемый бывшим конфедератом, офицером Зитмором. Но отыскать индейца в прериях — задача просто невыполнимая. Отчаявшись поймать беглеца, охотники берут в плен его жену и насилуют её. Чато превращается в яростного и беспощадного мстителя…
Makeup Artist
История о знаменитых героях Дикого Запада. В городке Тумстоун, штат Аризона, железной рукой порядок наводит грозный шериф Уайтт Эрп. С помощью друга, блестящего стрелка Дока Холлидэя, и своих братьев Эрп поддерживает в городе мир и покой.
Вальдес идёт
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Стареющий шериф Боб Вальдес застрелил человека, ошибочно обвиненного в преступлении влиятельным и богатым мистером Таннером. Пытаясь хоть как-то исправить ситуацию, Вальдес решает собрать немного денег для вдовы убитого им человека. По справедливости будет, считает он, если деньги дадут местные богачи и мистер Таннер в частности. Но у Таннера свои понятия о справедливости.
Figures in a Landscape
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Two escaped convicts are on the run in an unnamed Latin American country. But everywhere they go, they are followed and hounded by a menacing black helicopter.
Mi marido y sus complejos
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A married man with mother expected every day and especially forward to the arrival of the night to let off steam in a nightclub and escape from the daily drudgery family.
Всё для всех
Makeup Artist
Действие картины происходит между техасским городом Эль-Пасо и мексиканским Веракрус. Именно по пути на юг, в пустынной жаркой местности, герой Джона Иреленда по прозвищу "Аул (Сова) - ночной охотник" встречает такого же, мастерски владеющего оружием Джонни (Марк Дамон), который не всегда дружит с законом, но знает цену дружбы. Эта встреча закончилась для Аула потерей лошади, и он вынужден вернуться в Эль-Пасо, где становится свидетелем шулерства против Джонни местным шулером Морганом. На следующий день, во время изоблечения Моргана, двоим задержанным мексиканским бандитам Гомесу и Пако удаётся уйти, благодаря Джонни и Аулу, который ему помог восстановить справедливость.
House of 1,000 Dolls
Makeup Artist
When a vacationing couple in Tangiers run into an old friend there, they discover that he is searching for his missing girlfriend who has been kidnapped by an international gang of white slavers. Nader investigates but before he can come up with anything, his friend is murdered. Meanwhile, nightclub magician Price and his mentalist partner continue their nefarious activities--they hypnotize and kidnap young women for the white slavers, and spirit them to the "House of 1000 Dolls." Written by phillindholm
De barro y oro
Makeup Artist
Manuel, a young man of eighteen, arrives in Madrid with the illusion of being a bullfighter. On arrival he meets Juan a ruined singer in his fifties who, along with his friend Lola, will help the boy to get a chance to bullfight in a probe at the estate of a famous businessman.
The Palomos
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Emilio and Virtudes Palomo are invited by Don Alberto, Emilio's boss, to a dinner at his chalet. Don Alberto, who confuses simplicity with stupidity, intends to frame the Palomos for a crime he has committed.