Milan Hein

Рождение : 1946-08-13,


Pan Tau – der Film
Pan Tau, the friend of all children, now also helps the adults. A movie producer is in trouble and decides to shoot another Pan-Tau movie. But the old Pan-Tau actor Karasek is no longer young enough to walk the almost weightless walk of Pan Tau. Mr. Novak turns up - he resembles Pan Tau like a twin brother. He succeeds every pirouette. And as if by magic, he solves all the problems between people! Who is Mr. Novak? Is he really ...?
The Octopuses from the Second Floor
While on vacation with their bickering parents, young Eva and her little brother Johnny find in a polluted lake two strange friendly sentient octopuses made of strange material that attracts electricity. They take them as pets.
O mrtvých jen dobře
Beauty and the Beast
Julie, the youngest daughter of a bankrupt merchant, sacrifices her life in order to save her father. She goes to an enchanted castle in the woods and meets Netvor, a bird-like monster. As Netvor begins to fall in love with Julie, he must suppress his beastly urge to kill her.
Good Day, Town
The town is waking up. The bus driver Josef Král is saying goodbye to his wife Vera who is in a state of advanced pregnancy. At the rolling mill, the master craftsman Mares is preparing for retirement, which is now only two days away. Elderly Simon who grows and sells vegetables at the market has problems with his wife. Their little home has to give way to a new development but the wife Simonka refuses to move out. The chairman of the workers' council has troubles with the miner Adam, who has started drinking. He doesn't know that Adam is getting divorced and fears he may lose his young son to his wife.
King of the Yellow Sea
Русалочка, одна из дочерей морского царя, увидев принца на палубе роскошного корабля, влюбляется в него. Но во время бури корабль разбивается о скалу, и все его пассажиры оказываются в воде. Русалочка, не раздумывая ни минуты, бросается на помощь и спасает своего возлюбленного от гибели. На берегу лежащего без сознания принца находит другая девушка. Придя в себя, он решает, что эта девушка и есть его спасительница. Но любовь Русалочки к прекрасному принцу так сильна, что ради нее она готова пойти на любые жертвы — боль, немоту и даже смерть…
Čas lásky a naděje
Král Honza
Sluha dvou pánů