Carmen Zapata
Рождение : 1927-07-15, New York City, New York, USA
Смерть : 2014-01-05
Rosa Vecino
Based on the First Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary, The Agony in the Garden, The Eggplant Lady is a heartwarming story about a family’s decision to move to a bigger house in a better neighborhood and how the teen, Jamie, and the grandmother, Rosa, come together to face a situation neither can control. Rosa teaches Jamie the valuable lesson of Christ’s suffering in the garden of Gethsemani. The Eggplant Lady, featuring a recipe with a secret ingredient, tears and laughter, faith and family, will inspire and touch viewers of all ages.
Linda Blair's gay son gets raped by Nazis, so she tracks down the father, played by Wings Hauser, and helps him deal with his alcoholism, and eventually they kind of fight back.
Choir Nun
Прогульщики и лоботрясы ни в какую не хотят учиться, и бедные учителя не находят себе места от их шуток и приколов. Их молитвы услышаны - неугомонная Долорес соглашается внедриться к ним под маской обычного учителя музыки. Бывшая подруга мафиози вспомнила о своих былых похождениях, и под рясой монахини в класс входит крутая "сестричка". Религиозные догмы снова дрогнули... в ритме рок-н-ролла.
Жестокая, напичканная наркотиками, она была обвинена в убийстве и приговорена к смерти. Но секретная государственная служба превратила эту женщину из обитательницы камеры смертников в убийцу-профессионала, живущего взаймы…
Choir Nun
Не слишком удачливая певица Долорес — любовница владельца казино Винца — не подозревает, что ее избранник не только бизнесмен, но и гангстер, хорошо известный в криминальных кругах. Она понимает это слишком поздно — когда становится свидетелем его преступления. Полиция прячет Долорес от преследователей в таком месте, где ее никогда не станут искать… в монастыре, к несчастью для нее, не мужском. Чтобы скоротать время, новоиспеченная «сестра» решает приобщить монахинь к прекрасному… и церковные песнопения превращаются в дискотеку. Когда душа поет, даже сатана не мешает танцевать!
Затеяв новый блестящий сериал под названием «Манхэттен», знаменитый голливудский продюсер Мел Уэкслер и не подозревал, что тайны частной жизни его ведущих актеров окажутся куда более интересными, чем самый богатый вымысел сценаристов. Пытаясь прийти в себя после трагической гибели жены и детей, Уэкслер возобновляет старый роман с самой яркой звездой «Манхэттена», Сабиной Куорлс. Но и у нее оказываются свои секреты, грозящие разрушить их любовь..
A Beverly Hills housewife suspects that her husband of thirty years is trying to kill her.
На школьном балу происходит разборка двух банд, в ходе перестрелки погибает одна из учениц, её подруга Джейми Коберн пропадает без вести. Отец пропавшей не сильно доверяет полиции и начинает разыскивать свою дочь сам.
Consuelo Guerra
The story of Simon Rodia, the real-life artist who spent 30 years constructing Los Angeles' Watts Towers, a monument to Christopher Columbus, and his fictional relationship with Daniel, a young boy.
1985 Argentine documentary film directed by Susana Blaustein Muñoz and Lourdes Portillo about the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo.
Lottie (archive footage)
Evil spirits that emerge from cans of old movie film terrorize a neighborhood.
Elena Garcia-Lopez
A dying wealthy patriarch, Ramon summons his relatives to his bedside, setting the tone for intriguing suspense when a bizarre set of murders occurs. The terror begins with the arrival of the old man's sister and her lover. Blood and gore are a regular state of affairs. The first suspect is Carl who, despite his protests of his innocence, is hounded by the local detective. But the morbid killings continue... so is he the murderer, or isn't he?
Mrs. Ruiz
The conflict and separation of their parents and the impact on four youngsters from three socially different families is the thrust of this drama.
The relationship among a divorced man, his incurably ill teenage son, and his long-estranged father is explored when the youngster joins his dad for one final summer vacation and they end up at the grandfather's vineyard where he reconciles the two older men.
Mama (uncredited)
Орегон, 1980: Джейн, Элайн и Луиза ощущают на себе инфляцию и не могут обеспечить себе достойную жизнь. В местном торговом центре объявляется соревнование, где главный приз гигантский шар с деньгами. Элайн придумывает план, как выкрасть оттуда деньги и поделить на троих.
Mrs. Ramirez
A nervous ad executive creates havoc on his daughter's wedding day and becomes obsessed with a dream girl he keeps seeing everywhere but whom he can't catch.
License Clerk
An intellectually-challenged man and woman meet, fall in love, and are determined to get married, despite the initial objections of their families and friends. Based on a true story.
Mrs. Landeros
A focus on life in a gang, Boulevard Nights portrays the dangers of street violence. Richard Yniguez plays a young Chicano who tries to get out of the gang, but he keeps finding himself drawn back into it.
Mrs. Garcia
Полусерьёзный-полушутливый взгляд на жизнь Джулии Уокер. Заскучав в браке, она с подачи друзей замышляет интрижку. Такое переплетение иллюзий и реальности порождает проблемы.
Mrs. Bellagio
In this pilot film to the subsequent short-lived series, three attractive young women -- Marcy Bower, Pam Bellagio, and Lisa Benton -- succeed in qualifying for airline stewardess training at Sun West Airlines, and then start getting a taste of the rigors and fun of the real thing as rookie stewardesses.
A happy-go-lucky veterinary student, paralyzed for life in a college polo meet, finds love with a young woman who leaves her fiancée to help him overcome his handicap.
Madam Nundi
Lionel's life turns around after a one-night stand on top of a pinball table... he becomes the world's first pregnant man!
Агент КГБ вместе с длинноногой коллегой из ЦРУ должны предотвратить серию ужасных взрывов по всей Америке. Террористы — загипнотизированные шпионы — действуют по сигналу, который посылает неизвестный, нажимая на кнопки телефона.
Les Bingham takes umbrage that his ex-wife Katie has a new love in life. What he doesn't know is that her new paramour is lawyer Lou Springer. When Katie's sister Sally arrives and tells the two about her new, hip '70s marriage contract, Les and Katie decide to try to get together again under a more liberal marriage contract, like Katie's sister. But, unfortunately for the couple, the contract is planted with the seeds of self-destruction.
Elena De La Paz
The story of Father William Wasson, who founded and operated a home for abandoned and orphaned children in Mexico.
Два охотника за головами в поисках преступника прибывают в городишко без шерифа и берут на себя его полномочия против воли местных горожан.
The chronicle of an average American housewife who just happens to be addicted to gambling.
Mama Theresa
Two young men wanting to make a porno movie raise money from their family and friends by claiming that they're making a religious film. Complications ensue when the porno is a hit.
Is a young woman being stalked by her ex, or is she imagining things?
A pair of miners attempt to muscle their way into a life of crime. 'Hilarity' ensues.
Aunt Caroline
Young woman starts having premonitions of her friends dying. Once her friends begin to die, she starts having premonitions of her own death.
Miss Rodriquez
An unmarried teacher in a school for unwed mothers finds herself becoming too emotionally attached to her students and their problems.
Norman Lloyd directed this televised production of Jean Renoir's World War II-era play. Taking place backstage at a theatrical performance in Nazi-occupied France, Carola is a tale of passion and intrigue that involves a beautiful stage actress and her emotional and psychological struggles over a Nazi officer, whom she is entangled in an affair with, and a Resistance leader whom she is hiding. Featuring Leslie Caron as Carola, the play also stars Mel Ferrer, Albert Paulsen, Michael Sacks, Carmen Zapata, and Anthony Zerbe.
Complications ensue when an overworked couple decides to hire a "wife" — someone who can run the household for them with complete autonomy — but she's a little too attractive for comfort.
Carl Dixon decides to quit school and enlist in the Army, even though he's already run afoul of the law as a Vietnam protestor. It is our hero's intention to use love, rather than bullets, to combat the Viet Cong. Needless to say, his idealism is no match for the harsher realities of war.