Fred Parnes


Peter Case: A Million Miles Away
Peter Case has lived a life of constant change, soaring highs, and soul-crushing lows. This film walks a million miles in the shoes of one of America’s last great troubadours.
Сломанная Жизнь
Бродвейский драматург неожиданно находит потерянную рукопись своего мёртвого друга. Не долго думая, он решает выдать его работу за свою.
Starting Out in the Evening
Leonard Schiller once counted among New York's literary lions, but illness and ten years of writer's block have lowered his profile, almost to the point of obscurity. When Heather Wolfe, an ambitious literature major, asks to interview him for her thesis on his work, her interest forces him to address the issues that he has avoided all these years, and stirs in him feelings he has long forgotten, much to his daughter's consternation.
Starting Out in the Evening
Leonard Schiller once counted among New York's literary lions, but illness and ten years of writer's block have lowered his profile, almost to the point of obscurity. When Heather Wolfe, an ambitious literature major, asks to interview him for her thesis on his work, her interest forces him to address the issues that he has avoided all these years, and stirs in him feelings he has long forgotten, much to his daughter's consternation.
Джеймс Дин
Actor's Studio Stage Manager
Ему было всего 24 года. Он погиб в автомобильной катастрофе 30-го сентября 1955 года. Но и сегодня он остается иконой 50-х, одним из самых стильных мужчин того времени. Этот фильм покажет вам историю его жизни от ранних лет до пика его карьеры.
A Man Is Mostly Water
The lives of two unambitious duplex neighbors, divorced father, hot-tempered, blues-obsessed documentarian Roper and wealthy golf-playing wastrel Andy, are compared. Both have loved ones who want them to do something with their lives.
A Man Is Mostly Water
The lives of two unambitious duplex neighbors, divorced father, hot-tempered, blues-obsessed documentarian Roper and wealthy golf-playing wastrel Andy, are compared. Both have loved ones who want them to do something with their lives.
A Man Is Mostly Water
The lives of two unambitious duplex neighbors, divorced father, hot-tempered, blues-obsessed documentarian Roper and wealthy golf-playing wastrel Andy, are compared. Both have loved ones who want them to do something with their lives.
Crime of the Century
Gas Station Attendant
In 1932, the nation was shocked when the 14-month-old son of Charles Lindberg was kidnapped, held for ransom, and murdered. Two years later, Bruno Richard Hauptmann was arrested, convicted, and executed. This film dramatizes the investigation against Hauptmann, the trial, and the execution, painting a picture of a corrupt police force under pressure to finger a killer framing an innocent man by manufacturing evidence, paying-off and blackmailing witnesses, and covering up exculpatory evidence.
Матильда — очень необычная девочка. Ну посудите сами — умножать в голове огромные цифры, двигать взглядом предметы, и делать еще много чего сверхъестественного — это что, по-вашему, нормально? Но ее родители равнодушны к ней — их не только не поражают способности Матильды, им даже не интересно как живет их дочь. Все, чего хотят «сердобольные» мама с папой — избавиться от нее. Так они и поступают — отправляют девочку в интернат. Вот там-то Матильда и начинает давать волю своим поразительным талантам. А умеет она выкидывать такие номера, что поверьте, мало не покажется.
Для парней
Jeep Driver
В фильме рассказывается история певицы Дикси и комика Эдди, которые развлекают американских солдат в разных районах планеты на протяжении 50 лет. Они начали совместные выступления ещё во время Второй мировой войны и хотя отношения между ними не обходятся без скандалов, у них есть и взаимные чувства друг к другу.
Orderly in Wheelchair
A comedy drama that played the festival circuit before vanishing without trace. Forsythe, Sweeney and Miranda are the trio of stepbrothers accompanying paralysed father Fuller on a jaunt to Normandy, where the old boy saw combat and romantic action during the war. Jennifer Beals, a regular in husband Rockwell's movies, plays a transvestite.