Baltazar Oviedo


Red Dawn
Tipo II
On October 2, 1968, a student uprising descends into violence after the Mexican government begins to use lethal force against the protesters.
New World
Towards the end of the 16th century, the Spanish conquerors living in the New World faced a serious problem: the evangelization of the indigenous people, who did not understand or accept Christianity due to their unshakable faith in their own religion. The court of the Inquisition cracks down on heretics and the natives prepare for a general uprising ...
The Bricklayers
When a worker is found murdered on the construction side, the investigation swiftly turns from things criminal to the political circumstances surrounding the building itself. Widespread corruption and neglect by the builder himself are seen to have brought the situation about. Much of the movie is filmed using hand-held cameras, and the majority of the dialogue is in the difficult-to-understand and very slangy Spanish dialect of Mexico City's bricklayers.
Мексика 1960-х годов. Группа студентов отправляется в небольшой город Сан-Мигель Каноэ. Там их по ошибке принимают за коммунистов-подстрекателей, из-за чего они становятся жертвами травли невежественных местных жителей.