Aaron Courteau

Aaron Courteau

Рождение : , USA


Aaron Courteau


Operation Seawolf
During the last days of World War II, Germany, desperate for any last grasp to defeat the allied powers, looked to their last remaining weapons and soldiers. The German Navy and the last remaining U-Boats were formed together for one desperate last mission – a mission to attack the United States Homeland, known as Operation Seawolf. Captain Hans Kessler, a grizzled submarine commander from both World Wars, is called into service to make one mission a success and help turn the tide of the war.
Плечом к плечу
Любой футбольный коллектив на определенном этапе своей карьеры оказывается в поворотной точке. Если приложить максимум труда, есть шансы перейти в более выгодный дивизион, позволяющий превознести свой спортивный талант до небывалых высот. Неприметная команда «Абилин Иглз» осознает, что нужно максимально консолидировать общие усилия. В этом деле поможет не только опытный наставник, но и капеллан.
Battle Of The Bulge: Winter War
Captain Daniels
Lt. Robert Cappa and his platoon of 2nd Infantry Division soldiers must defend a vital supply depot from being captured by attacking German soldiers.
The Great War
Sergeant Allistor Richardson
In November of 1918 as World War I was ending, a unit of American soldiers goes behind enemy lines to find a lost platoon of African American soldiers.
Farmer of the Year
When Hap Anderson, a widowed 83-year-old Minnesota farmer that thinks he's still quite the ladies' man, sells his family farm, he finds himself adrift and staring a short future in the face. Driven by the possibility of showing up with an old flame and impressing his old army buddies, he sets out to attend his 65th WWII reunion in California with his directionless and unreasonably self-confident granddaughter, Ashley. Each with their own issues and agendas, they head west in a dilapidated Winnebago. Encountering oddball tourist attractions and eccentric characters, they find themselves in seemingly impossible situations with only each other for support. As the journey progresses so does their relationship and they begin to understand and appreciate each other as individuals while discovering that being young and being old, aren't all that different.
Битва в Арденнах
Captain Daniels
Рождество 1944 года, немцы предпринимают последнюю попытку оттеснить союзнические войска на западном фронте. Взвод лейтенанта Каппы получает приказ занять и удерживать важный перекресток, не уступить его врагу. Героям предстоит найти веру и силы, чтобы выдержать натиск немцев в бою, получившим название «Битва в Арденнах».
Когда мир находится в руинах, измученный вспышкой зомби, выживут только сильные, но насколько? У Луки и его команды хватит амбиций и боеприпасов, чтобы остаться в живых достаточно долго, чтобы спасти человечество?
Dust of War
In a post-apocalyptic American Frontier, a soldier fends off a brutal warmonger to rescue a girl fated as the savior of humanity.
The Giant Spider
The Major
When radiation left behind by atomic weapons testing creates a gigantic killer mutant arachnid, it's up to a trio of scientists, an Army general, and a newspaper reporter and his fiancée to figure out how to stop the hungry beast from devouring the entire county.
Levi Layton is tired of his small town life and his workaholic father, but finds his way out when he receives a large inheritance. Eighteen years old and armed with $100,000, the life he wants is just a midnight escape away.
День памяти
Frankie Califano
Во время игры в прятки маленький Кайл нашел сундук своего дедушки Бада, в котором хранились вещи, оставшиеся в память о войне. Бабушка посоветовала не показывать деду находку, потому что лежащие в сундуке вещи только разбередят старые раны и огорчат старика. Но, несмотря на ее запреты, Кайл все же решил показать сундук владельцу. Поначалу дедушка Бад не хотел открывать ящик, но внуку удалось уговорить его на небольшое одолжение в честь Дня поминовения: он выберет любые три предмета из шкатулки, а Бад расскажет три истории о войне…
Horror House
Best pals and struggling actresses Chloe and Jazz accept roles in a unscripted horror flick set in a creepy, abandoned house but soon realize that the deranged director's plans include shooting some bona fide murders. As their fellow cast members begin to disappear, Chloe and Jazz know they must escape from the house before cameras roll on the snuff film's final scenes.
Come Out Fighting
Captain Jackson
Late 1944 during WWII, the American army have raced their way through the countryside on the border of France entering Nazi Germany. Hitler desperate to turn the tide, has deployed his secret weapon: an M-262 fighter jet. Lieutenant Frank Ross, a P-51 Mustang fighter pilot, encounters a Nazi weapon, and an intense aerial battle quickly ensues. Lieutenant Frank Ross is unsuccessful in the fight and is forced to eject from his own plane, landing himself behind enemy lines. Waiting for a rescue team, Frank finds himself in the middle of a German ambush against an American Tanker Patrol. Leading the USA Patrol is the 2nd Lt. Robert Hayes along with his right hand soldier, "Sergeant A.J. Red McCarron and also Private Michael "Salty" Buttons serving the famed 761st Tank Battalion known as "The Black Panthers." Buttons and the others must find a way to put differences aside and band together to win this war.
Come Out Fighting
Late 1944 during WWII, the American army have raced their way through the countryside on the border of France entering Nazi Germany. Hitler desperate to turn the tide, has deployed his secret weapon: an M-262 fighter jet. Lieutenant Frank Ross, a P-51 Mustang fighter pilot, encounters a Nazi weapon, and an intense aerial battle quickly ensues. Lieutenant Frank Ross is unsuccessful in the fight and is forced to eject from his own plane, landing himself behind enemy lines. Waiting for a rescue team, Frank finds himself in the middle of a German ambush against an American Tanker Patrol. Leading the USA Patrol is the 2nd Lt. Robert Hayes along with his right hand soldier, "Sergeant A.J. Red McCarron and also Private Michael "Salty" Buttons serving the famed 761st Tank Battalion known as "The Black Panthers." Buttons and the others must find a way to put differences aside and band together to win this war.