Sune Rolf Jensen


Texas Carlos Massacre
Executive Producer
Guided by his doctor (or is it voices in his head?), a young director is given a mission: to go to Texas to make an abstract roadmovie (“Unfocused film! Focus is repressed!”) about the Housecore Horror Festival of Film and Music, a festival that brings together cinema and extreme music.
60 Seconds to Die
Hammer Daddy (segment "Nasty")
Horror Anthology "60 second short films that will scar you for a lifetime"
Побег живых мертвецов
Обычный день Дэвида - местного торговца марихуаны, который курит больше, чем продаёт - стал настоящим кошмаром. В Данию пришел новый смертельный наркотик, именно его Дэвид и толкнул со своим приятелем Амиром. "Дешевле кокса? Почему бы и не подняться на нем? " Оказалось, что побочный эффект этого 'кокаина' - канибализм. Жители города превращаются в зомби и захватывают весь Копенгаген.
When 3 film school students participate in an underground treasure hunt called "13 candles" taking place in an abandoned hospital from the 1800th century, they soon find themselves trapped in hell's maze.
When 3 film school students participate in an underground treasure hunt called "13 candles" taking place in an abandoned hospital from the 1800th century, they soon find themselves trapped in hell's maze.
Slaughter Me Naked
A psychopath is loose in Denmark and nobody feels safe. With his dull kitchen knives the madman slaughters through the towns young women, and anybody standing in his way, but why? What drives the blood lust? And what unspeakable pleasures does torture and mutilation hold?