Mathieu Auvray


Jean-Michel le caribou et les histoires d'amour interdites
Marcel, the mayor, decides to ban love stories: it only causes problems and makes everyone unhappy! Banning love stories? Jean-Michel is not too much for it and his girlfriend Gisèle even less... Unfortunately, the repression begins. Our heroes decide to join the resistance so that love is once again allowed in the village.
Rising Waters In Underwood Springs
No-No has had it up to his bill with his mundane existence in Underwood Springs. After sounding out his friends, he decides do go off in search of adventure with his tiny companion Magaïver the crab.
The Chronicles of Bad Luck
Космическая прачечная
Склонный к суициду баран Фрэнк, находящийся на заброшенном острове, встречает свою судьбу в виде непонятно откуда взявшегося рыжеволосого торгового агента. Он предлагает Фрэнку некий товар, который должен кардинально изменить его жизнь.
Jean-Michel, the Woodland Caribou
Jean-Michel, the Woodland Caribou and superhero, watches over Vlalbonvent and its inhabitants. One day he meets Gisele, a beautiful she-camel and hospital nurse. It is love at first sight, but how can Jean-Michel overcome his shyness and declare his love?
Jean-Michel, the Woodland Caribou
Jean-Michel, the Woodland Caribou and superhero, watches over Vlalbonvent and its inhabitants. One day he meets Gisele, a beautiful she-camel and hospital nurse. It is love at first sight, but how can Jean-Michel overcome his shyness and declare his love?
Franssiss the bear tells a journalist what happened to him in the woods, while he was walking in the Vosges with his rabbit friend, the one who is really into motorcycles. That day, a magical frog offered to grant them three wishes. Franssiss had a brilliant idea, but it all turned badly because of the rabbit. Since then, Franssiss has felt a bit lonely.
Babioles: Câlin sur glace
Babioles: Câlin sur glace
Babioles: Câlin sur glace