Hubert Canaval


The seedy underbelly of Vienna at night. Mercedes is a femme fatale from Mexico, newly arrived at the Vienna airport with her German boyfriend Rainer, where they have smuggled a kilo of cocaine through customs. Unfortunately for them, the city has just had a major drug crackdown, leaving them without buyers and money. Disgusted with Rainer, Mercedes ditches him and hooks up with Harry, a lonely and bored cab driver who agrees to help her find a buyer for the drugs so she can get some cash and go home. She offers Harry a deal he can't refuse. Is he just another pawn for Mercedes or will her promises help him achieve his hope and dreams? The story careens through the night streets of Vienna, following two amateurs navigating their way through the treacherous world of the drug trade. It's a mood piece with the backdrop of a stifling urban loneliness.
Debt of Love
Simon Granderath has been found dead in his appartment. His only daughter, Monika Besse, who lives in Luxembourg, arrives to arrange the funeral and settle his estate. She wishes to get back to Luxembourg and to her normal life as quickly as possible. However, she quickly realizes that in fact, she hardly knew her father, and tries to trace the various stages and encounters that made up his life. Much later, she realizes that the search for the identity of her father has actually become a search of her own identity – though still she believes she can get closer to her father after his death.
Wenn der Berg ruft
Every year over a million tourists drive up the Grossglockner road, a major feat of engineering high up in the Alps, in order to gaze in amazement at the contrast between nature and technology, a fact that causes no less amazement to the people who live there. This documentary takes a look behind the picture-book facade of the mountain scenery around the alpine village of Heiligenblut, showing the encounter between the tourists and the people who keep the place going underneath all the holiday euphoria.
Wenn der Berg ruft
Every year over a million tourists drive up the Grossglockner road, a major feat of engineering high up in the Alps, in order to gaze in amazement at the contrast between nature and technology, a fact that causes no less amazement to the people who live there. This documentary takes a look behind the picture-book facade of the mountain scenery around the alpine village of Heiligenblut, showing the encounter between the tourists and the people who keep the place going underneath all the holiday euphoria.
Die Insel
The Danube island in Vienna where life cannot be hidden away in the private home, where it is lived in the open for all to see. This is where many spend their "second real life", which begins after the workday.
The inside of a Viennese section of the Austrian Socialist Party (SPÖ). The number of members has gone down, but otherwise everything is still the same. The group of indefatigable comrades and their new district representative, Brigitte Ederer, are accompanied in their groundwork; at the weekly section meetings, in their work in the district parliamentary party, at outdoor festivals, pensioners' parties and children's discos, collecting contributions door to door, during arduous confrontation with the inhabitants of the locality, and, not least, at the district elections. The election result of 9th October 1994 was a disaster for the party.
Охота на зайцев
Начало 1945 года. После отказа выйти на поле боя на стороне немецко-фашистских войск пятьсот русских военнопленных дожидаются казни в концлагере близ Маутхаузена. Однажды ночью они решаются на побег. Большинство тут же погибает, но несколько человек успевают укрыться в близлежащих деревнях. Тогда охрана концлагеря призывает местное население открыть собственную «охоту на зайцев», то есть на спрятавшихся беглых пленников.
Daily traffic jams on the South-East Express-Way, the most travelled road in Europe, reflection of a society dependent on cars. The jam makes many things visible for the first time; people showing their true faces in out-of-the ordinary situations.
The Election Campaigners
THE ELECTION CAMPAIGNERS tries to analyse the phenomenon of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ). The party’s great success is generally regarded as a result of its leader’s demonic charisma. But this film doesn’t focus on Jörg Haider. Instead it gives a face to the people who make Haider’s election victories possible, taking a clear stance, yet refraining from commentary or judgement. It is up to the viewers to draw their own conclusions.
The Election Campaigners
THE ELECTION CAMPAIGNERS tries to analyse the phenomenon of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ). The party’s great success is generally regarded as a result of its leader’s demonic charisma. But this film doesn’t focus on Jörg Haider. Instead it gives a face to the people who make Haider’s election victories possible, taking a clear stance, yet refraining from commentary or judgement. It is up to the viewers to draw their own conclusions.
The Election Campaigners
THE ELECTION CAMPAIGNERS tries to analyse the phenomenon of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ). The party’s great success is generally regarded as a result of its leader’s demonic charisma. But this film doesn’t focus on Jörg Haider. Instead it gives a face to the people who make Haider’s election victories possible, taking a clear stance, yet refraining from commentary or judgement. It is up to the viewers to draw their own conclusions.
Фильм об одиноком старике, который влюбляется в молодую женщину живущую по соседству, но к сожалению для него, она живёт со своим бойфрендом, а по совместительству сутенёром. Старику не остаётся ничего другого кроме, как принять решительные меры…
Erwin und Julia
Die Stadt der Anderen
Two women in two different countries leading different lives. One lives in Austria, one in Yugoslavia, yet their lives become strangely entangled for a moment in time. What if you wake up in somebody else's head and the city around you isn't the one you used to know?
Aus dem Tagebuch einer alten Frau
Pictures of everyday life of an old woman: During the week she waits for one event, the visit of her daughter on Sunday.
Aus dem Tagebuch einer alten Frau
Pictures of everyday life of an old woman: During the week she waits for one event, the visit of her daughter on Sunday.
Unter Freunden
Film by Lukas Stepanik.
Vergiss Sneider!
Witty, literary and intellectual Kammerspiel film which presents the day after the end of the world as an allegory.
Vergiss Sneider!
Witty, literary and intellectual Kammerspiel film which presents the day after the end of the world as an allegory.
Foreign Land
The day to day life of a boy and a farm hand working a farm in the middle of nowhere.