Lola Wayne Villa


Лавалантула 2
Small Blonde
Несколько лет назад паукообразные монстры, появившиеся после небывалого землетрясения, атаковали Лос-Анджелес. Извергающие пламя мутанты убивали и сеяли огненный хаос, однако их апокалиптическое нашествие остановил незаметный герой - актер Колтон Уэст. После этого безработный киношник стал признанным спасителем Америки, а пауки исчезли. Годы спустя кошмар повторяется. Теперь полчища тарантулов нападают на Флориду, угрожая сжечь дотла самый солнечный штат. Пауки-убийцы появляются на флоридском пляже, где проводит каникулы падчерица героя, Райя, и ее подружки. Ради спасения девчонок Колтон оставляет съемки в многомиллионном блокбастере и отправляется уничтожать лавалантулов. Вдвоем с другом Марти он намеревается очистить Флориду от адских доисторических тварей, пробужденных извержением вулкана, и главного восьминогого чудовища – кровожадного и беспощадного арахнида Гаргантулантулы.
How Does It Start
With her self-absorbed parents distracted by their recent divorce, 12-year-old Rain is left alone to navigate the complexities of love and adulthood—and learns to do it her own way.
Children Of Ether
Pint (voice)
Follow Rhonda, a woman with a dark past and a mysterious power, as she is pursued by an unknown assailant after the death of her father. Aided only by her wits and a pair of orphans, she journeys through a decaying, dystopian metropolis populated by raiders, gangs, and the supernatural. As she struggles to survive in this harsh urban tangle, she meets both friends and enemies, and searches for answers about this power, "The Ether", awakening within her.
Bunyan and Babe
Whitney (voice)
Travis and his sister, Whitney, visit their grandparents for the summer and fall through a magical portal which transports him to the world of American hero Paul Bunyan and his big, blue, talking ox, Babe.
Mr. & Mrs. Kim
Harper Patterson (as Lola W. Villa)
An imaginative fourth-grader whose lies come to life must deal with the consequences when he claims his parents are North Korean spies.
An American Girl Story - Melody 1963: Love Has to Win
Set in Detroit during the Civil Rights Movement, "An American Girl Story - Melody 1963: Love Has to Win" examines the joyful life and troubled times of an irrepressible 10-year-old African-American girl whose vivid imagination and creativity reinforce her optimism. When shocking national events threaten her sense of security, Melody must find inner strength to restore her hope for a better world.
Love by the Book
Young Emma
Bookstore owner Emma believes in fairy tales. Although she has yet to be swept away by prince charming, she sees real knight in shining armor potential with a new suitor, Landon. As Emma balances time with Landon and saving her bookstore with once irritating business consultant, Eric, however, she weighs storybook romance against genuine commitment. While she sorts out her feelings toward Landon and Eric, as well as toward love and romance, Emma begins to realize that fairytale endings aren't always by the book.