Ken Yamauchi

Ken Yamauchi

Рождение : 1943-12-09, Tokyo, Japan

Смерть : 2011-09-24


Ken Yamauchi


Onigiri: Arcadia monogatari
A couple flees Tokyo, their family and friends. The girlfriend is a member of a rock band. She is dating the man, but friends and family are against it compelling her to move away. They stay at an inn in an area in which they know no one. One inn employee finds out about their dilemma and introduces them to a local farmer who offers them work and a home.
Harbor Light Yokohama
A hit-man returns to Japan after a long sojourne.
The Sweet Interns
Romance about student-nurse interns.
My Sweetheart
It had been a year and four months since Mitsuo was last on a movie set. Welcomed back by director Ishizaki and his film crew, Mitsuo is excited to star as the lead in "My Sweetheart". One day, half way through production, he meets his friends from a popular rock group, "The Spiders". Through their discussion regarding the climax scene, they criticize that the script is too grim. In a notion to protect their friend's career, they decide to pay the scriptwriter a little visit.
Tokyo Night
A girl runs away form her house in Kyoto to find fortune in the Japanese capital.
The Spiders' The Reckless Operation
The Spiders, a Japanese pop group, in their first starring role, walk from Yokohama to Tokyo, to prove their love for a girl who told them "the person who can overcome any obstacle will be my lover"! Neither traffic, buildings, nor the police can stop them, in this madcap rock musical adventure!
The Will to Live
The Sunset Is Crying
Kenji Yamada
The Spiders hit song made into a movie.
The Black Sheep
Japanese drama film.
I'll Never Cry!
The rehabilitation of a delinquent on leaving reformatory. Her redemption comes through a boy in a wheelchair; by his rehabilitation, growing comes in courage along with her patient, she grows by finding meaning in her own existence. She finally sees a new world before her and has the determination to lead a normal life.
Story of Japanese Chivalry: Flower of a Chivalrous Man
In the early years of the twentieth-century a young gambler returns to his home town where he finds the gang of which he was once a member engaged in a feud with a rival gang. Though he successfully settles their differences he is turned out of the organization for the way in which accomplishes it. Upon his return he finds that the fortunes of the group have declined - there has been treachery and desertion. This time with the approval of the seniors he settles the differences with a duel. After winning, however, he declines the position of gang-boss, preferring his freedom, and once more leaves town.
Tomo o okuru uta
Gen'ichi Nakagawa
Youth A Go Go!
Ken'ichi Muraki
Музыкальный фильм.
A Girl of the Plateau
Susumu Mishima
Kazuo Kitagawa lives on a farm on the Tateshina Plateau with his late teacher's widow and daughter, continuing his research. One day, Kazuo is attracted to the beautiful young lady who is visiting the villa when he goes out to the town…
The Song of Love
Heartwarming story of an ambitious girl who becomes a concert pianist with the help of her musician father.
Скверный мальчишка: Под несчастливой звездой
Gorô Nishizaka
1920-е годы. Подросток Дзюкити Судзуки родился в бедной семье. Он работает доставщиком молока, но и учится хорошо — сумел поступить в хорошую среднюю школу. Богатый одноклассник Ёсио Мисима пожаловался Дзюкити на то, что старшеклассник третирует его за встречи с девушкой. Это якобы несправедливо, потому что девушка — просто кузина. Дзюкити возмущен и решает проучить старшеклассника, после чего тот уходит из школы.
Northern City
Nikkatsu youth masterpiece, which celebrates the love and friendship of young people who have blossomed in a beautiful northern spring with a lot of young dreams. Based on the novel "Memory of Snow" written by Takeo Tomishima.
Flowering Maidens
Shôji Yamaguchi
The young yakuza who have arrived in the city are being taught the beauty of work and the pleasure of learning by hard-working young people of the same generation. Youth masterpiece created based on the hit Kazuo Funaki.
Four Young Sisters
Kenkichi Kono
Three girls come to Tokyo to stay with their elder sister. Actually they are running away from home because their father has married again to a very young woman. They have many romantic adventures and one finally decides against the boy she thought she loved because he, just like her father is always away from home. But directly after her marriage to another young man, her sister runs after the former boy-friend.
Jiro Sasaki
4-я асадора канала NHK.
Aa Seishun no Mune no Chi wa
Kunio Shimizu, a sailor of Tohto University, helped a girl that was chased by someone on her way home from practice.The girl went away without saying anything, leaving her wallet with Kunio. A few days later, she visited Kunio. She was working at a toy factory called Tomoko Nishizawa. Kunio naturally became attracted to Tomoko, but for some reason Tomoko refused to talk about her past. One day, the two went to the bowling alley and were approached by Tempira...
Spirit of Youth
Ken Yamaguchi
Japanese youth film.
Welcome, My Baby
Goro Nishizaka
Two friends, both members of a Japanese cargo boat, return to Japan after a three-month voyage and have just 24 hours shore leave. In those hectic hours, they vie for the affections of a hotel owner's daughter but wind up with separate girl friends and attempt to bring together the parents of a baby who have separated.
Bright Sea
Tatsuo Mukai
On the day of college graduation, Mieko (Sayuri Yoshinaga) stood on stage as the valedictorian for the Department of English. During her university years she made sure that she would always come out on top, and she did. With a victorious graduation behind her, she plans out the next chapter of her life: become a successful novelist and go out with a classmate she's been secretly eyeing for the past couple of years.
The School Cap
A Tokyo student transfers to a rural school and finds it difficult to adjust himself to its customs and traditions. One of the customs is the wearing of an old school cap by a senior. It is a symbol of courage and bravery and is handed down to a new senior each year.
Distant Love
Ryôsuke Okada
A romance of a pure young lover and his heartbreak for a beautiful older woman.
Скверный мальчишка
Юный Того, исключенный из элитарного учебного заведения в Кобэ за драки и распутство, помещен матерью в школу провинциального городка Тоёока. Втайне от Того мать поручает его заботам школьного директора. Директор Кондо немало мучается с новым учеником, бунтующим против школьных правил и жесткой иерархии. Все попытки дисциплинировать его наталкиваются на умные и логичные контрдоводы юноши, подкрепленные прекрасным знанием литературы. Именно литература является страстью Того, он стремится в Токио, чтобы осуществить своё призвание.
Радуга над островом Цзиньмынь
Осень 1958 года. Доктор Такэй стоит на палубе грузового судна, наблюдая вдалеке тёмные очертания острова Цзиньмынь. В его голове бурлит поток воспоминаний трёхлетней давности, когда он работал в госпитале в Токио и лечил раненых солдат с линии фронта Корейской войны. Он вспоминает, как встретил женщину по имени Ли Чун, которая приехала с Тайваня, чтобы увидеть своего жениха, но узнала, что он погиб. Она была насквозь промокшей от дождя, Такэй пришёл к ней на помощь и утешил. Корабль прибывает на Тайвань, где доктор снова встречает Ли Чун на острове Цзиньмынь, но вскоре начинается артиллерийский обстрел острова с материка — коммунистический Китай начинает наступление.
The Young and Bad
Kazumasa Ayanokôji
Молодежный фильм.
Dahil Sa Iyo – The Song of Sad Love
Tommy Fukuda
Молодежный фильм.
The President's Son
An Urban Affair
Ichiro Gonda
Follow-up to "Ekimae Ryokan." Set around the Yurigaoka and Nishi-Ikuta stations on the Odakyu-Odawara line, the film takes up the problem of real estate around the expanding Yurigaoka apartments.
Beyond the Hills
Daisuke Inoue
Story of young love in the hills.
Свист над деревней Котан
(as Ken Kubo)
Люди народности Айну живут на Хоккайдо изолированно. Японцы захватили их земли, относятся к ним как к низшей расе. И всё же большинство айну выбирают путь терпения и подчинения. Для них главное - не бороться, а выжить. Семье Хатанака не привыкать к трудностям, отец один воспитывает двух детей, мать которых давно умерла. И сестра и брат старательны в учебе, но в школе им приходится туго, и дело не только в бедности.
Перистые облака
Первый широкоэкранный и цветной фильм режиссера повествует о проблемах в жизни большой японской фермерской семьи после провозглашения закона о земельной реформе. «Перистые облака» - одна из самых захватывающих в созерцательном плане картин режиссера, фильм наполнен тонкими и визуально прекрасными кадрами, где снялись практически все лучшие, на тот момент, звезды студии «Тохо». Название картины весьма метафорично, фильм является одной из частей своеобразной «облачной» трилогии режиссера «Плывущие облака» – «Перистые облака» – «Разметанные облака», где возможно, плывущие означают слабость и безнадежную настойчивость, разметанные – смятение и волнительную душевную страсть, а перистые - характер и упрямство - главных героинь.
Yagyu Secret Scrolls
In the Tokugawa Era, the clan of Lord Yagyu has hidden away three scrolls containing clan secrets which, if revealed, would cause revolution and disaster for the clan. The information is divided among the three scrolls, all of which must be possessed for the secrets to be understood. When Princess Yuhime steals the scrolls, Tasaburo, a samurai with magical powers, and his brother Senshiro are sent to retrieve them.
Ticket to Hell
Jôji Ogata