Ryan Sadaghiani


Karthik Viser Singh
Rakhi Singh, a poised businesswoman, struggles to care for her Alzheimer's stricken mother, amid mounting family tensions.
Cyrus- child
An unexpected event unravels as a group of Iranian intelligence officers raid Dr. Dariush's home, where Christian resources are exposed. Following the discovery, Dr. Dariush is immediately murdered in cold blood. Cyrus, the doctor's son, who witnesses his father's cruel death, is forever changed as a result of his father's murder. Filled with resentment and bitterness, he is unable to cope with the past and push forward. At the turn of events, Cyrus finds himself face to face with his father's killer, now leaving him with a unique opportunity to seek vengeance or redemption.
Экранизация мемуаров морского пехотинца из Техаса Криса Кайла, который служил снайпером в Ираке и стал рекордсменом по числу убитых солдат противника, за что иракцы прозвали его дьяволом. Помимо описания военных действий, книга состоит из отрывков воспоминаний жены Криса, ставшей свидетельницей того, как росла привязанность мужа к его соратникам и войне.