Leonard Sharp

Рождение : 1890-05-24, Birkenhead, Cheshire, England, UK

Смерть : 1958-10-24


Violent Playground
Spectator at Fire (uncredited)
A Liverpool juvenile liaison officer struggles with a young and dangerous pyromaniac.
At the Stroke of Nine
News Vendor
A prominent journalist is kidnapped by a lunatic who threatens to kill her unless she writes flattering articles about him.
The Silken Affair
Elevator Operator
An accountant who is creative with his firm's books uses the money to fund a romantic spree.
Солнечный спутник
Thomas the Watchman (uncredited)
Журналисты со всего мира приехали на территорию военно-воздушной базы Великобритании, чтобы присутствовать на знаменательном событии. В ближайшие дни, нет — часы должен состояться триумф британской науки и техники. Учёные разработали и создали летательный аппарат, способный преодолеть оковы земной гравитации и выйти на орбиту Земли с человеком на борту. За основу взят реактивный самолёт, снабжённый усовершенствованными турбинами, форсированным двигателем и современной системой герметизацией. Экипажем, совершающим первый в истории человечества прорыв во внеземное пространство, руководит Майкл Хейдон. Восторг по поводу предстоящего полета не разделяет энергичная журналистка Ким Хэммилтон. Она спрашивает организаторов "за чей счет этот банкет?",но тем не менее, под покровом ночи залезет на охраняемый объект и затаится в трюме космического корабля. А экипажу за несколько часов перед стартом открывают тайну государственного масштаба: на самом деле научная цель экспедиции всего лишь фикция.
Убийцы леди
Pavement Artist (uncredited)
Средь бела дня в дом пожилой леди, миссис Уилберфорс, постучал неизвестный джентльмен. Представившись профессором музыки, мистером Маркусом, он пожелал снять у неё комнату, заранее предупредив, что к нему для репетиций будут наведываться коллеги.. Кто же знал, что под видом почтенных граждан струнного квинтета скрываются грабители, обдумывающие очередной гоп-стоп. Дельце выгорает, и с украденным они являются в дом миссис Уилберфорс. По просьбе профессора старушка соглашается вывезти его «багаж» с вокзала, не подозревая, что он набит награбленной наличностью. Получив деньги и распрощавшись с милой старушкой, преступники покидают её дом. Однако при захлопывании двери случается несуразная мелочь — и старушка понимает, что её жилец ведёт нечестную игру. Посчитав старушку ненужным свидетелем, они решают её убить, но исполнить это не так-то просто...
Adventure in the Hopfields
China Mender
A little girl accidentally breaks her mother's favourite ornament and goes hop-picking to replace it.
Hobson's Choice
Tailor who rents shop to William Mossop
Henry Hobson owns and tyrannically runs a successful Victorian boot maker’s shop in Salford, England. A stingy widower with a weakness for overindulging in the local Moonraker Public House, he exploits his three daughters as cheap labour. When he declares that there will be ‘no marriages’ to avoid the expense of marriage settlements at £500 each, his eldest daughter Maggie rebels.
The Fake
Someone is stealing priceless paintings from the great museums of the world and replacing them with nearly flawless forgeries. Leonardo da Vinci's "Madonna and Child" is being shipped to London's Tate Gallery for a special exhibition, and Paul Mitchell is assigned to protect it. Upon the painting's arrival, Paul realizes it has been switched. Eager to collect the museum's $50,000 reward, he teams up with Mary Mason, a Tate employee, to recover the original.
Murder at 3am
Old Skip
A police detective suspects that his sister's boyfriend is a murderer.
King of the Underworld
Mullins (as Len Sharp)
A sinister crook is implicated in blackmail, greed for emeralds, a secret formula and murder. Thee episodes from a 1952 British television series called "Inspector Morley, Late of Scotland Yard, Investigates" were joined together and released theatrically.
A Christmas Carol
Old Joe / Crossing Sweeper
On Christmas Eve, an old miser named Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by the spirit of his former partner, Jacob Marley. The deceased partner was in his lifetime as mean and miserly as Scrooge is now and he warns him to change his ways or face the consequences in the afterlife.
Ночь и город
Beggar (uncredited)
Гарри Фабиан — Лондонский шустрила с честолюбивыми планами, которые никогда не срабатывают. Однажды, когда он сталкивается с наиболее известным греко-римским борцом в мире, Грегориусом, в лондонской борцовской арене, которой управляет его сын Кристо, он выдумывает схему, которая, как он думает, положит начало к его финансовой независимости.
Chance of a Lifetime
The workers in a small plough factory take over the firm, but when a large order falls through, the old management come back to help out.
Trottie True
Carter (uncredited)
Tottie True is a gay-90s British music-hall performer who has her sights set on moving from rags to riches, who loses her heart to the pure-and-true blue balloonist, Sid Skinner, but continues her upward search on improving her social status. She finally settles for Lord Landon Digby who has lots of assets and a very-stiff upper lip. She gets a lot of the latter and very little of the former, and decides Sid might have been a better choice.
For Them That Trespass
In this drama, a frustrated upper-class writer decides that he will find real inspiration by examining his subjects first-hand. This leads him to begin wandering about the seamiest side of town where he witnesses a murder. When an innocent man is arrested, the writer refuses to assist him as the knowledge that he has been "slumming" could destroy his career. The young man is sentenced to 15 years in prison.
For Them That Trespass
In this drama, a frustrated upper-class writer decides that he will find real inspiration by examining his subjects first-hand. This leads him to begin wandering about the seamiest side of town where he witnesses a murder. When an innocent man is arrested, the writer refuses to assist him as the knowledge that he has been "slumming" could destroy his career. The young man is sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Waterloo Road
During WW2 a former railway employee who had been drafted, goes AWOL to hunt down the spiv and draft dodger who is having an affair with his wife.
The Dummy Talks
A ventriloquist is murdered during a theatre variety performance. A dwarf goes undercover as the dummy...
They Met in the Dark
Bus Conductor (uncredited)
A Royal navy Commander is tricked by a pretty girl who is working for the Nazis. She tricks him into revealing some military secrets and he is court martial. He vows to track her and her accomplices down.
Warn That Man
At the height of World War II, the Germans discover that a certain British personage is to stay at the country house of Lord Buckley. They devise a plan whereby they will kidnap the real Lord Buckley, and send to England an actor who will masquerade, lie in wait for the visitor with a number of gunmen, and take him back to Germany.
Death by Design
Bob Joyce
Inspector Slade investigates a murder.
Hard Steel
A steelworker rises through the ranks to become manager of three steel mills, but ruthless ambition overwhelms him.
Hard Steel
A steelworker rises through the ranks to become manager of three steel mills, but ruthless ambition overwhelms him.
Sheepdog of the Hills
Geordie Scott
Farmers are all losing their Sheep, all except 'Riggy's'. Is it because of his great sheepdog or something more sinister.
Love on the Dole
Man at Demonstration
Depressing and realistic family drama about the struggles of unemployment and poverty in 1930s Lancashire. The 20-year-old Kerr gives an emotionally charged performance as Hardcastle, one of the cotton workers trying to make life better. Interlaced with humour that brings a ray of sunshine to the pervasive bleakness, this remains a powerful social study of life between the wars, and was a rare problem picture to come out of Britain at the time.
Chip Shop Customer
It's war time London and the Crazy Gang (Flanagan & Allen, Nervo & Knox, Naughton & Gold) are doing their bit for the war effort by running a fish and chip stall using their platoon's barrage balloon for advertising. Their Sgt Major is not happy about this and orders them to take the balloon down, but a freak heavy wind accidentally carries the gang away to Nazi Germany. They are captured and placed in a detention camp where they meet an elderly prisoner named Jerry, who possess a map for the location of a secret weapon which will win the war! Fortunately Teddy Knox's impersonation of Hitler lands him the spot of pretending to be the Fuhrer at a gala dinner and the gang are allowed out of the camp. However the Nazis have other ideas for their substitute leader.
Neutral Port
A British merchant ship is torpedoed by a German U-Boat and takes shelter in a neutral port. The Captain then strikes back at the German enemy.
Добросердечная тётушка Чарли
Buller's Assistant
Charley's (Big-Hearted) Aunt is a 1940 British comedy film directed by Walter Forde starring Arthur Askey and Richard Murdoch as Oxford 'scholars'. The film is one of many to be made based on the farce Charley's Aunt. Taking inspiration from a well-known Victorian play, a modern-day prankster poses as a wealthy woman in a ploy to prevent him and his friends from being expelled from college.
They Drive by Night
Card Player at Billiard Halls (Uncredited)
“Shorty” Matthews having recently been released from prison visits his girlfriend in London only to discover her murdered. Fearing he will be wrongly accused of being the culprit he disappears amongst the long-distance lorry driving community. Meanwhile, the real killer, unassuming ex-schoolteacher Walter Hoover, continues to prey on London women. As Shorty had feared he has become the main suspect. He returns to London with old flame Molly to prove his innocence.
Convict 99
A disgraced school master, Benjamin Twist, is mistaken for a tough prison governor and assigned the charge of a prison for particularly hardened criminals. Believing he is being sent to a school rather than a prison, he celebrates accordingly only to find that his drunkenness accidently lands him on the wrong side of the prison bars. The Governorship is eventually restored to him, and he sets about popularising himself amongst the convicts by turning a blind eye to their shady dealings.
Bank Holiday
A 1930s British summer Bank Holiday starts at midday on Saturday with a rush for the trains to the seaside. Doreen and Milly are off to a beauty contest, Geoffrey and Catherine are having an illicit weekend in the Grand Hotel and May and the kids are set for a more straightforward holiday of sea, sand, and pub. Meanwhile, the manager and performers on the pier are praying for rain.
Doctor Syn
Revenue Man (uncredited)
A highly respected clergyman is actually a former pirate who exacts vigilante justice in this British production.
Feather Your Nest
Mr. Peabody
A worker at a gramphone record factory surprisingly creates a hit song.
Windbag the Sailor
Crew Member
Will Hay plays a bragging sea captain whose maritime experience actually extends to navigating a coal barge down inland waterways. His tall tales catch him out when he is co-erced into commanding an unseaworthy ship by an unscrupulous shipping agent who means to have it wrecked. This was the first film to couple Will Hay with both Moore Marriott and Graham Moffatt.
Burgher at Auction (uncredited)
Фильм начинается с того времени, когда умирает Саския, любимая художника и мать его сына Титуса, которая долгие годы служила мастеру источником вдохновения, а кончается последним годом жизни, когда он уже похоронил последнюю жену. Несмотря на то, что в последние годы своей жизни Рембрандт жил впроголодь, тратя все немногие деньги на краски, он был счастлив: ведь его всегда окружали женщины, которых он любил и, которые любили его. Сын мельника из Лейдена, величайший голландский художник Рембрандт Ван Рейн, умер в нищете, как и полагается настоящему художнику.