Marcus Armitage


Marcus Armitage is an animator and filmmaker from Yorkshire.


Something Out of Nothing
A specially commissioned animation inspired by Barbara Hepworth's art and life.
Мальчик по имени Рождество
Animation Director
Фильм расскажет про мальчика Николаса, который отправился на поиски своего отца, исчезнувшего в экспедиции за полярным кругом. За завесой северного сияния Николас столкнётся с эльфами, троллями, пикси и волшебством.
Наш дом: как жить на планете Земля
Storyboard Artist
Накануне Дня Земли семилетний мальчик узнает о чудесах планеты благодаря родителям и загадочному экспонату в Музее Всего. По мотивам популярной детской книги Оливера Джефферса.
Наш дом: как жить на планете Земля
2D Supervisor
Накануне Дня Земли семилетний мальчик узнает о чудесах планеты благодаря родителям и загадочному экспонату в Музее Всего. По мотивам популярной детской книги Оливера Джефферса.
That Yorkshire Sound
An audio-driven animated documentary covering a day of life in Yorkshire.
That Yorkshire Sound
An audio-driven animated documentary covering a day of life in Yorkshire.
My Dad
A short film depicting a dad's influence on a young boy's life. His judgmental character mixed with the boys fondness for his dad prove to be a toxic mix that tears away at a world of opportunity and experiences.
My Dad
A short film depicting a dad's influence on a young boy's life. His judgmental character mixed with the boys fondness for his dad prove to be a toxic mix that tears away at a world of opportunity and experiences.
Over Dinner
Their last dinner before he leaves to join the Army. The reality of the situation begins to break in through the four surrounding walls.
Over Dinner
Their last dinner before he leaves to join the Army. The reality of the situation begins to break in through the four surrounding walls.
Poem About All Different Things
In this film, Samuel knows that the bumpiest thing is ten thousand hundred frogs on a trampoline. The ugliest? An ugly person in your face, and the loneliest -- crying in your house with no friends.