Lucien Blondeau


A Swelled Head
Le vieux
A man inherits an old house in a very bad condition. With the help of a young mechanic, he begins to renovate this house.
Joseph, le domestique de Sabatier (uncredited)
Молодая Фру-Фру была столь мила, что очаровала сразу четырех состоятельных господ, заключивших договор, по которому они обязались вывести ее в свет. Фру-Фру становится певичкой, затем ее ждет длинная череда приключений, очарований и разочарований, из которых особо можно отметить русскую революцию, от которой героиня еле унесла ноги. Историю своей жизни Фру-Фру рассказывает дочери. Луи де Фюнес здесь играет одного из четырех покровителей Фру-Фру, не самого выдающегося, впрочем.
What the east wind saw
Clarisse cheats on her husband with a vain insurance agent. Zamore, the cuckold (and a magician) wouldn't let his wife be stolen so easily. Poiret and Serrault play the rivals in this twisted love story. A poetic absurd fantasy.
Imperial Violets
Le grand chambellan (uncredited)
Crimson Curtain
Bertal, a despotic and hated theater director, is assassinated before a performance of Macbeth in which he was to play with Aurélia Nobli, his companion and Ludovic Arn, her lover. The police arrive on the scene and the investigation begins. Suspicion first falls on Sigurd, an old actor who had threatened Bertal. But parallels appear between the characters in the play and the actors who play them.
A Tough Day
A strike has broken out in a big factory in the North of France. Two workers, Robert and Etienne, go through the experience in a different way. Etienne, who has worked there since the start, is still influenced by the time when workmen and their bosses found an agreement directly. Unlike him, his young friend believes in the power of labor unions. He even goes to Paris to attend special classes in trade unionism.
The Convict
Doctor Vicente (uncredited)
The practice of Dr. Julien, a GP of Marseilles, consists mainly of drug-addicts. One day, one of his patient dies at his surgery and Julien yields to the temptation : he steals the dead man's money and hides the corpse in a trunk. But the whole thing is discovered and ... misinterpreted. The doctor is condemned for killing the junkie and sent to the Cayenne convict prison, from which he escapes. The Indians give him shelter and he is soon given the opportunity to return their good deed when a yellow fever epidemic strikes their tribe. A young woman helps to fight the disease and, thanks to her, Julien starts considering that a new life is possible for him.
Cartouche, King of Paris
The romantic life of the head of a bandit gang, wanted by the police. Cartouche gets away with being deported to Louisiana after unmasking a plot by a Duke against the throne.
L’extravagante Théodora
Théodora, Thierry de Villiers' governess, has the leisure of scrambling the cards: She combines the meeting in the same apartment of Thierry, his friend Octave, Brigitte, his wife, and Nicole, Villiers' secretary. Finally, Theodora will be sent back to the asylum from which she had run away.
Scandal on the Champs-Élysées
In Paris, three models are murdered, being one of them the mistress of the fashion designer Dominique Airelle. It is the young inspector who is in charge of the affair.
Si jeunesse savait...
Charles Vigne, a wealthy banker, frees Abdul, a good genius imprisoned in a vase. To thank him, Abdul grants his wish: to become a child again, while retaining the experience he has acquired. But the "disappearance" of the banker panics the financial markets and has disastrous consequences for the bank. Eventually, Charles Vigne will ask Abdul to give him back his real age.
The Revenge of Roger
Roger Laroque is now a rich man. He returns to France under the name of William Farnell. There, he discovers that on the one hand his wife has died of a broken heart and on the other that his daughter Suzanne is in love with Raymond de Noirville, the son of his former mistress. With the help of a few friends, Roger coldly prepares his revenge.
Animated short originally produced in France by Paul Grimault.
Son of France
The crew of a tank from the 1st French army took part in the liberation of Strasbourg during the fall of 1944.
Girl with Grey Eyes
Father Christophe
A village lost in the mountains where Catherine called L'Airelle's love affair takes place with a young doctor. Catherine's father is the local bonesetter whose wife threw herself into a glacier out of despair of love and whose body reappears intact twenty years later. In addition, the pharmacist of the country is accused of having seduced a young girl who is avenged by her mother. The bonesetter also dies, the village fortunately continues to live.
Первый в связке
Jean Servettaz
Большинство мужчин из маленькой альпийской деревни близ Шамони работают гидами для туристов, желающих совершить восхождение. Молодой Пьер Серветта – не исключение. Но несчастный случай во время одной из экспедиций едва не ставит крест на его карьере. Получив сотрясение мозга, юноша неожиданно для себя приобрел страх высоты. Для альпиниста это было хуже смерти. Узнав о происшедшем, друзья Пьера и его девушка Алина решают во что бы то ни стало помочь парню. Ради этого вопреки традициям Алина даже надевает альпинистское снаряжение и отправляется в восхождение. Отпустить свою любимую одну Пьер не может, а потому, отчаянно борясь со своей фобией, он отправляется вслед за ней…
The novelist Loïc Limousin knew the turbulent past of Marie-Martine and he extracted the material for a novel from which the young girl risks paying the price. After the drama that had thrown her in prison, she met a brave boy ready to make his life with her. Will the scandal separate them?
Убийца живет в доме №21
Edouard, the prefect of police (uncredited)
На Монмартре совершено несколько преступлений, подписанных таинственным господином Дюраном. Благодаря информатору комиссар Ванчеслав "Ванс" Воробейчик узнает, что убийца живёт в пансионе, расположенном в доме №21 по улице Жюно. Полицейский, переодевшись пастором, поселяется там.
Еврей Зюсс
Lévy (voice)
В 1733 году герцог Карл Александр Вюртембергский назначает своим финансовым советником зажиточного торговца Зюсса Оппенгеймера. Оппенгеймер вводит таможенные сборы за пользование дорогами и придумывает всё новые налоги, чтобы снабдить герцога деньгами. Постепенно он усиливает влияние на своего покровителя и тот, в итоге, предоставляет ему полную свободу действий. При этом Оппенгеймер действует не только в своих личных интересах. Он добивается от герцога снять запрет на проживание евреев в Вюртемберге.
Paris, mes amours
A freedom-loving man has found a way in the midst of loan sharks and apaches to get it almost totally with a minimum of work, needs and connections. After a few misadventures, he continues to wander in Paris whose streets he loves more than anything in the world.
In 1721, at the end of his career as a bandit, Cartouche, touched by the grace of an honest young girl, and falling into the hands of justice under the charge of the father of his beloved, asks as a last resort, that the young girl may, before her execution, come and forgive her.