Ion Caramitru

Ion Caramitru

Рождение : 1942-03-09, Bucharest, Romania

Смерть : 2021-09-05


Ion Caramitru


30 Years of Democracy
Self (archive footage)
Two journalists born in the mid '80s decide to take a look back at how their country changed in the last 30 years since the fall of communism. The end product is a documentary containing footage of political events and historical milestones significant to Romania accompanied by a narrator's voice walking the viewer through the events, and also interviews with Romanian politicians and other influential public figures sharing their thoughts and their different views on those events.
Moromete Family: On the Edge of Time
A sequel to Moromeții (1987), the tale follows the life of the Moromete family after WWII, with Romania being overpowered by Communism.
A Love Story, Lindenfeld
Klaus Bernath, a wealthy German citizen, decides, after many years, to visit his birthplace, of the Banat Swabian village Lindenfeld, in Romania. Since the village has been deserted for many decades, his son and his biographer decide to reconstruct the whole space from scratch and present it as a populated place.
Опасная иллюзия
Victor Ibanescu
Чарли преследуют смерть незнакомых людей и видения. Пытаясь залечь на дно в Бухаресте, он влюбляется в молодую виончелистку Габи, которой угрожает бывший муж. Чарли втягивают в странную и опасную игру, где его главный враг — он сам.
Адам и Пауль
Eastern European Man
Адам и Пауль — друзья детства, превратившиеся в двух несчастных, но отчаянных и бесшабашных наркоманов, связанных пагубным пристрастием к наркотикам и потребностью в них. Стильная и мрачноватая комедия показывает один день из жизни друзей, который, как и все другие, проходит в поисках денег на наркотики. Единственное отличие этого дня от других — то, что они достигли предела, исчерпав всё: удачу, кредит, друзей.
Graf Fontana
Kurt Gerstein—a member of the Institute for Hygiene of the Waffen-SS—is horrified by what he sees in the death camps. he is then shocked to learn that the process he used to purify water for his troops by using Zyklon-B, is now used to kill people in gas chambers.
Две смерти
Carl Dalakis
Серебряное блюдо с устрицами на льду и раскроенный автоматным прикладом череп, бокал изысканного французского вина и рваная рана в пол-лица, утонченные философские образы и толпы разъяренных солдат за окном... Загадочная любовная связь, начавшаяся много лет назад, обрывается банально и грубо, вполне в духе времени — времени насилия, крови, предательства.
Миссия: невыполнима
Zozimov (uncredited)
Агент ЦРУ Итан Хант оказался в положении подозреваемого в предательстве «крота», из-за которого погибли несколько членов его команды, включая руководителя группы Джима Фелпса. В живых осталась еще только коллега Ханта — жена Фелпса агент Клэр. Чтобы снять с себя обвинения в предательстве, Ханту надо найти настоящего «крота». Для его приманки он решает похитить базу данных ЦРУ в Лэнгли.
Deep Secrets
Gripping drama about an undercover police officer who infiltrates the Manchester underworld to investigate a brutal murder, and his method of getting to know what's happening is to seduce the gang leader's sexy wife
Гражданин Икс
Поиск продолжался восемь долгих лет. День за днем Виктор Бураков вел охоту за страшным маньяком — убийцей современности Андреем Чикатило.
Видеозаписи одной революции
Фильм, составленный из любительских снимков и передач государственного румынского телевидения после его захвата демонстрантами в декабре 1989 года, показывает первую в истории революцию, в которой решающую роль сыграло телевидение.
Solemn Anarchist
В кафкианском пространстве Праги действуют безличные силы, сводящие Кафку с ума. Здесь он предстает в роли клерка и сочинителя, обреченного стать жертвой параноидального состояния.
Extemporal la dirigenție
Mihai Gavrilescu "Socrate"
Romanian Romance movie. It is the third one from the "Liceenii" series
Gathering Clouds
Radu Comșa
Young lawyer Radu Comșa is confronted with an identity crisis as WWI starts.
The Graduates
The love story of two students in the tenth grade. Mihai is a provincial who reached in a Bucharest high school where his passion for philosophy and mathematics will be eclipsed by love and Dana is a chess enthusiast. Their romance is full of naturalness, but will go through many trials.
Confessions of Love
Mihai Gavrilescu "Socrate"
Love story of 2 high school students with different social standards, Ioana and Alexandru. They are to form a couple with all the social and familial obstacles encountered.
Radu Costache
Problems ensue once a girl finds about her biological father which tries to be a part of her life.
Like in Films
An untalented writer attempts to achieve a "lifelike" scenario fail in a dozen policier.
Stefan Luchian
Ștefan Luchian
Recreating the early twentieth century in Bucharest, leading to an unforgettable journey to the cultural space of Romania bohemia. The film follows the life of one of the famous for his landscapes and still lifes most renowned painters of Romania.
The Carpathian Castle
Alexandru Policretti
In late 19th century, a Transylvanian revolutionary fleeing the Imperial authorities goes to Italy where he meets a beautiful soprano who later disappears under mysterious circumstances.
The Investigation
Paul Blejan
The explosion of a 4300 tones Kauper furnace brings up an inquiry, conducted by Ștefan, a Romanian Communist Party activist. He is trying to get to the truth, even if he is pressured just to assign blame.
Bietul Ioanide
Prințul Max Hangerliu, comandant legionar
We Were Sixteen
Slt. Năstase
Romanian army reaches Budapest near the end of WW II. A small group of soldiers block some Nazi units on their way to Tatra mountains.
Ecaterina Teodoroiu
Dr. Muresan
The story of heroine Ecaterina Teodoroiu, the only woman who fought in the Romanian Army during World War 1.
Before the Silence
Obsessed by greed and the fact that his wife is in love with his brother, innkeeper Stavarache heads towards madness. Based on the I.L.Caragiale novel, "In Times of War"
Casa de la miezul nopții
Dinu Valentin
In New Year's Eve, Dan, a pilot, picks up a stranded woman at the airport and they head together to his cabin, where they will meet unexpectedly his ex and her new partner.
Shootings Under the Moonlight
Lt. Vasilache
During 1947 Romania's Communist Security Forces hunt down the last anti-Communist resistance fighters in the remote mountain villages of Transylvania.
The Green Grass of Home
profesorul Viorel Meteș
After refusing to compromise at his job, a university professor leaves the city and returns to his native village for the first time in many years.
The Great Solitary
pictorul Victor Pătrașcu
Nicolae (George Motoi), the intelectual descendant of Moromete family, former communist apparatchik in the 50s, becomes a horticultor due to a political error, and refuses to have any social life, even if he is unhappy with his inactivity. The death of his partner makes him respond to the overtures of his old comrades. Based on the eponymous novel by Marin Preda.
Tufă de Veneția
The Court Adjourns the Sentencing
Tiberiu Moga
A judge is tasked to investigate a mining accident.
Three Days and Three Nights
In 1946, Northern Transylvania, an armed band is annihilated by the local communist organization, which manages to rally the locals on they side.
Evening Guests
Two couriers from a camp show up to communicate with the communists, when there should be only one. Which one is the impersonator sent by Germans?
Beyond the Bridge
Priest Codreanu
Mara, a hard-working widow woman brings up his two children in a developing idustrial Transylvanian town.
The Blue Gates of the City
tunarul Șerbănescu
A Certain Kind of Happiness
Liviu Filimon
A story about a group of friends and their choices, how to pursue their careers and personal life.
Stejar, extremă urgență
Werner von Richter
Amongst the Green Hills
Here the author makes a movie after his own novel. Following 3 murders, the investigations will have some unexpected turns.
The Mornings of a Sensible Youth
A young man leaves home after graduation from high school to make his way in the world and seek his independence. The story is told in flashbacks as the opening scene shows the man suffering injuries from a fall during his construction job as a welder.
Comoara din Vadul Vechi
Ion Dohotaru
In a poverty stricken village in 1947 Moldavia, the obsession for getting rich of Prisac turns the community against him. Based on "La Răzeși" (Yeomans) novel by Valeriu Emil Galan.
Лес повешенных
Petre Petre
Первая мировая война. В австро-венгерской армии вынуждены воевать люди разных национальностей, живущие в Габсбургской империи. Румынский лейтенант Болога участвует в вынесении смертного приговора чеху Свободе за дезертирство. Это лишает Бологу душевного спокойствия — он сомневается в необходимости такой меры наказания. А когда он должен осудить двенадцать румынских крестьян за то, что они обрабатывали свои поля в прифронтовой зоне, Болога чувствует, что не может вынести им смертный приговор…