Vera Marshe

Vera Marshe

Рождение : 1905-07-15, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Смерть : 1984-03-25


Appeared in films like Monsieur Verdoux (1947) as Mrs. Vicki Darwin, The Babe Ruth Story (1948), Davy Crockett, Indian Scout (1950), The Abbott and Costello Show (TV series), Adventures of Superman (TV series), Meet Corliss Archer (TV series) as Mrs. Mary Franklin, The Pride of the Family (TV series) as Cynthia, The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show (TV series), The McConnell Story (1955), Lassie (TV series), The Lineup (TV series), The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet (TV series), and Perry Mason (TV series). Vera Marsha passed away in 1984.


Vera Marshe


Mrs. Hubbard
A jazz pianist is haunted by his dead ex-lover's crawling hand and floating head.
Western Pacific Agent
Train Passenger
An agent searches for a psychopath guilty of robbery and murder, and falls in love with a murder victim's sister.
Davy Crockett, Indian Scout
Mrs. Simms
It's 1848 and a wagon train with an Army escort is heading west through Indian territory, It's scout is Davy Crockett, nephew of his more famous namesake. There is spy amongst them informing the Indians. They survive the first Indian attack and then push on. They have a choice of two passes through the mountains. Learing of the pass to be defended by the Indians, they head for the other. But upon ariving, the Indians attack. Somehow they have been informed.
Post Office Investigator
A mailman leads PO-men to a pistol-packing stamp thief and her gang.
The Big Sombrero
Angie Burke
Gene is hired to be foreman of the Big Sombrero ranch by Jim Garland, who is handling all the business affairs of the owner, Estrellita Estrada, who is more interested in going to America than taking care of her Mexican holdings. Gene, discovering Garland's plan to run all the Mexican rancheros off the ranch, turns against his boss and shortly finds himself in the middle of cattle stampedes and an avalanche started by Garland's men.
Miss Mink of 1949
Winning a mink coat brings nothing but trouble to a couple on a budget.
You Gotta Stay Happy
Indecisive heiress Dee Dee Dillwood is pushed into marrying her sixth fiancée, but unable to face the wedding night, she flees into the adjacent hotel room of commercial pilot Marvin Payne, who just wants to sleep. She then persuades him to take her to California.
The Scar
Woman in Back Seat (uncredited)
Pursued by the big-time gambler he robbed, John Muller assumes a new identity—with unfortunate results.
Where There's Life
Hazel O'Brien
In a far off country, their king is critically wounded after an assassination attempt and the only heir is a timid New York radio personality, Michael Valentine (Bob Hope). After reluctantly traveling to his father's homeland, Michael is not happy that he's become the target of the same terrorist organization that attacked the king.
Месье Верду
Mrs. Vicki Darwin
На этот раз гениальный лицедей открывает неожиданные стороны своего комического дара. Его герой завоевывает сердца и банковские счета богатых вдовушек и старых дев, а затем убивает своих несчастных жертв.
The Hucksters
Gloria, West Coast Secretary
A World War II veteran wants to return to advertising on his own terms, but finds it difficult to be successful and maintain his integrity.
The Crimson Key
Daisy 'Dizzy' Nelson
Larry Morgan, a private detective, is hired by a woman who wants Larry to trail her husband. The husband is murdered and, shortly afterwards, the wife is also killed. Larry shuffles through a long list of suspects before revealing the killer...
Abie's Irish Rose
Mrs. Edna Gilchrist
Cultures clash when a Jewish boy wants to marry an Irish girl.
Синий георгин
Party Guest (uncredited)
Жена Джонни не сильно ждала мужа с фронта и давно уже пошла по рукам. После короткой, но яростной ссоры он уходит из дома, оставив свой пистолет, а вскоре Хелен находят убитой. Мучимый провалами памяти, вызванными фронтовой контузией, Базз признается в убийстве, хотя полиция подозревает самого Джонни. Поиск истины осложняется непрекращающимися разборками с гангстерами, нарастающей амнезией Базза, чередой новых убийств. Подозреваемые меняются как в калейдоскопе, напряжение нарастает. Поможет ли Джойс — жена таинственного владельца ночного клуба «Синий Георгин», любовника убиенной Хелен — найти подлинного убийцу или она ведёт свою игру, смертельную для друзей?
Getting Gertie's Garter
Anna, the Maid
Dennis O'Keefe, newly married to lovely Sheila Ryan, is in a jam. O'Keefe's former girl friend, exotic dancer Marie McDonald, has in her possession an expensive, jeweled garter given to her by O'Keefe in his bachelor days. McDonald intends to show the garter to O'Keefe's suspicious wife, so Our Hero must retrieve the embarrassing accouterment without tipping off the missus.
Романы Сьюзан
Brooklyn Girl (Uncredited)
Мистеру Эйкину накануне свадьбы открываются интересные подробности прошлого его невесты, мисс Сьюзан Даррел. Ее бывшие поклонники рассказывают мистеру Эйкину непохожие друг на друга истории о совершенно разной Сьюзан. Какая же из этих Сьюзан настоящая?
Her Favorite Patient
Mrs. Mary Hastings (as Vera Marsh)
A beautiful female doctor visits her small hometown on her way back to Chicago. Her overworked uncle, who is the town's doctor, wants her to stay and help him, and he and a macho test pilot who's fallen for her come up with a plan that involves the pilot faking an illness and being treated by her, with her uncle's "help".
Those Endearing Young Charms
A soldier loses his girlfriend to his best buddy.
The Phantom of 42nd Street
A theatre critic (Dave O'Brien) teams up with a cop (Jack Mulhall) to investigate the murder of a Broadway actor.
Obliging Young Lady
Helen (uncredited)
A woman attempts to shelter a young girl from the publicity surrounding her socialite parents' divorce.
The Devil's Cabaret
Stuttering Blonde (uncredited)
At Satan & Co., Inc., the devil is upset because too many people are going up to Heaven rather than down to Hades. He gives his assistant, Mr. Burns, the task of getting more people to his domain. In front of a nightclub, Mr. Burns invites a crowd of people to come inside to The Devil's Cabaret to be entertained. After they enjoy songs and dancing, the people go willingly to Hades.
Мадам Сатана
Call of the Wild
Анджела и Боб Брукс - супружеская пара из высшего общества. К сожалению, Боб - неверный муж. Но у Анджелы есть план, как вернуть любовь мужа. На борту великолепного дирижабля состоится изысканный бал-маскарад. Анджела будет присутствовать и замаскируется под таинственную Мадам Сатану. Спрятавшись под маской и надев соблазнительное платье, Анджела попытается соблазнить своего ничего не подозревающего мужа и преподать ему урок.
Good News
A college football star falls for his mousy French tutor.
Way Out West
La Belle Rosa
Wise-guy carnival barker Windy bilks a group of cowboys out of their money, gets caught and is forced into working off the debt on their ranch. He falls in love with Molly, the pretty owner of the ranch, but runs afoul of foreman Steve, who also loves Molly.
Only the Girl
Vera Marsh and Buddy Wattles enact the differences between marriage proposals in the gay 90s and the 1930s.