Paulina García
Рождение : 1960-11-27, Santiago de Chile, Chile
Alicia Pelari
Даже спустя годы после переезда в отдаленный городок темное прошлое не отпускает экс-полицейскую — женщина обнаруживает труп на территории своего дома.
Professor Ana
Ángel and his brother Franco have been locked up in a juvenile detention centre for a year. Despite the hostility of the place, they form bonds with others inmates and daydream about the future.
Marisol, the mayor of a city on the Mediterranean coast of Spain, spends her last hours surrounded by her entourage. The last party with her most faithful people: the right hand of her political party, the businessman with whom she built her little empire, a not very bright secretary, a Spanish traditional singer –the life of the party– and her great love, Amparo.
Карлос - преуспевающий адвокат в крупной американской нефтяной компании и живет в Брюсселе со своей женой и матерью. Он собирается переехать в Нью-Йорк, но эти планы рушатся, когда его направили для переговоров в отдаленную африканскую страну, где он проживал некоторое время назад и где был похищен Стив Кэмпбелл, инженер компании.
Ana is a brilliant professor of forensic medicine who is preparing the next Chilean generation of doctors. She lives with her daughter Ursula, who has autism. One day, Ana’s name appears on TV, on a list of former agents of the dictatorship. Faced with harassment from her former colleagues and the police, Ana must protect what is most precious to her.
A family travels to a remote island in southern Chile. During the trip they try to convince the grandparents to support them financially to build a hotel in the place. Nicolás, the man who crossed them disappears, leaving the family trapped on the island, the smiles begin to disappear. With cold, without water and without certainties, tempers are diluted, exposing the tensions that each member of the family hides.
30 actresses and actors from Latin America, seek to evoke hope in the midst of the health and economic crisis unleashed by Covid-19, through the reading of fragments from the work of Gabriel García Márquez alluding to the plague of oblivion.
Вера (55), большая поклонница классической музыки, работающая ночным уборщиком, обнаруживает Мигеля; мужчину, которого она никогда не видела, но который воображает благодаря предметам, лежащим на его столе.
La Flaca is a young woman who lives with her two daughters in the house of the religious family of her partner David. As she thinks David is hiding a secret from her, she decides to confront him.
Medea is expelled from the mining region in the Atacama Desert and is given just one day to disappear. But in that single day, she comes up with a plan for revenge. In order to carry out this plan, which will culminate in her murdering her own son, she invokes her innermost strength, summoning the power of the female gender.
Внезапная смерть матери приводит всё семейство в ужас, и лишь Сантьяго пытается найти причину, не смотря на доводы своей жены. В каждой семье есть свои секреты, и семья Мейеров тоже не исключение.
Diego is hosting a farewell party in his house before he leaves on a trip that no one knows about.
54-летняя Тереза несколько десятилетий работает горничной в одной семье в Буэнос-Айресе. Но семья продаёт дом, и женщина, вынужденная устраиваться на работу в далёком городе Сан-Хуан, отправляется в путешествие через пустыню. Во время первой же остановки Тереза теряет сумку с вещами. Этот неприятный инцидент сводит её с коммивояжёром Эль Гринго — единственным, кто может помочь ей найти сумку. В конечном итоге то, что казалось Терезе концом света, становится её спасением.
Paula Scherson
В Чили проходит саммит президентов стран Латинской Америки, на котором обсуждаются геополитические стратегии и альянсы. Между тем аргентинский президент Эрнан Бланко переживает политическую и семейную драму и пытается бороться с внутренними демонами. Ему придётся принять решения, одно из которых повлияет на его и без того непростые отношения с дочерью, а другое станет самым важным в его политической карьере.
After a night of partying, Vicente is involved in a hit-and-run that kills a man. Vicente claims his innocence, but he was drunk and high. A tangled web of lies buries the truth, making a social scandal disappear — exonerating the real culprit, the son of a powerful politician.
Чувствительный подросток Джейк вместе с матерью переезжает в Бруклин. В первый день на новом месте он знакомится с ровесником — бойким Тони. Мальчишки становятся настоящими друзьями, и все свободное время они проводят вместе. Но однажды их дружбе едва не пришел конец по вине их родителей, которые поссорились из-за разногласий по стоимости арендной платы за квартиру.
Isabel Pereira
Фильм, основанный на реальных событиях, расскажет о тридцати трех чилийских шахтерах, которые в 2010 году на 69 дней оказались в ловушке под землей.
Patricia Lucia went out of court with a verdict that proves innocence of the murderer of her only daughter, Genesis Nirvana, a girl of only 6 years old. Inside her head, the only way of having justice is by taking it into her own hands. Her only purpose is revenge. Because of this, she takes a home video camera and leaves a record of it. This is a story of revenge and justice, that show us the weakness and vulnerability of human beings, that lose their sanity after missing a child
A case of mistaken identity becomes a living nightmare when a young actress finds herself relentlessly assailed by debt collectors.
A married woman — seeking to purify herself through a "disconnection vow" — leaves her husband and returns to her parents’ home, but finds a situation far from the peace and quiet she had imagined.
Ximena is an illiterate woman in her fifties, who has learned to live on her own to keep her illiteracy as a secret. Jackeline, is a young unemployed elementary school teacher, who tries to convince Ximena to take reading classes. Persuading her proves to be an almost impossible task, till one day, Jackeline finds something Ximena has been keeping as her only treasure since she was a child: a letter Ximena's father left when he abandoned her many years before. Thus, the two women embark on a learning journey where they discover that there are many ways of being illiterate, and that not knowing how to read is just one of them.
Salvador moves to London from Chile to study English and travel around Europe at his parents’ expense. He stays with his aunt María, who makes a rather decent living renting the rooms of her house to other immigrants. Difficult and challenging situations will force Salvador out of his protected bourgeois reality and into the real world.
Глория — 58-летняя разведенная женщина. Ее дети уже давно покинули дом, но у нее нет никакого желания проводить дни и ночи в одиночестве. Она преисполнена решимости бросить вызов старости. В итоге Глория начинает отрываться на мальчишниках, с головой окунаясь в водоворот вечеринок, в поисках сиюминутного удовольствия, что приводит ее лишь к разочарованию и ощущению пустоты. Но вскоре она встречает Родольфо…
A teenager visits his mother in search of affection. She lives semi isolated from the world, on a house facing the sea and in the company of a woman. The meeting of both characters will be rather a disagreement that will throw the young man towards other characters that will be moving further away from his mother until he disappears. Only at that moment will she feel the weight of his absence.
Ex Culture Minister
Year 2015. John O'Connell arrives in Chile to film a documentary about the death of six anonymous heroes that occurred in 2010 during the "EL MURO" event. John hires three actors to recreate the characters and all there is to see when clicking on "crazy geography".
Concerned about the future of her three children, a widow takes them to the city with the purpose of getting them married.
Four stories, four women; four women struggle for the liberation of their souls.
A man takes his insecure, overweight paramour to a seaside resort to consummate their relationship, but there he stumbles onto an artistic discovery that will change his life.
Collage based on the texts and lives of Diane Arbus, Jean Eustache, Robert Walser, Alejandra Pizarnik, Franz Kafka and Carmen Jung.
The seductive quality of the night of a saturday where both the rich and the poor experience the drunken urgency of the party and the clock.
Ana discovers that she doesn't have that much time left. At 65, she has a retirement, few possessions and a big dream to fulfill: to swim across the Beagle Channel.