Juno John Lee

Juno John Lee


Juno John Lee


'Tallica Parking Lot
Executive Producer
What happens at a tailgate party before a Metallica concert? Part music video, part acid trip, this adventure is a jam-packed frenzy with surprise cameos and an original score by Metallica.
'Tallica Parking Lot
What happens at a tailgate party before a Metallica concert? Part music video, part acid trip, this adventure is a jam-packed frenzy with surprise cameos and an original score by Metallica.
'Tallica Parking Lot
What happens at a tailgate party before a Metallica concert? Part music video, part acid trip, this adventure is a jam-packed frenzy with surprise cameos and an original score by Metallica.
Женское восхождение
Executive Producer
Фильм рассказывает необыкновенные истории бесчисленных девочек во всем мире, которые пытаются преодолеть возможные невероятности, чтобы реализовать свои мечты.
Другой мир: Бесконечная война
Столетиями властители царства мрака, вампиры и оборотни ведут беспощадную войну, невидимую человеческому взору. Бесстрашная Селина, воин-вампир, каждую ночь истребляет оборотней, влекомая неутолимой жаждой мести.
A schizophrenic pickpocket scours the underground trains at the command of his inner demons. But when an accidental score reconnects him with a long-lost love, he must test his strength and defy the voices in his head. In the end, the quest for love proves the most meaningful endeavor of all, and the final cure for his sickness.